Jurassic World I

45 1 0

2012 September 20th

Despite having been told by her father countless of times to never linger in the past, Calliope found herself seated in a helicopter flying straight into it. 65 million years back into it to be exact.

"If you look out to the right! You can see the plains! That's where we keep most of our herbivores!" Mr Masrani yelled to her from the front.
Calliope dared moving a tad to the right to look out of the window, and as he'd said, she could see tiny dinos moving around in the open grass field below them.

Calliope had never really been that interested in dinosaurs specifically. Of course she had a period as a child like so many others, but it hadn't really stuck. At least she'd like to think it hadn't.

Truth be told, Calliope had no idea what had qualified her for a job at the Jurassic World park.. or well, she did know, she just didn't quite understand why they'd chosen her over the hundreds of people who'd actually applied for the job. But Mr Masrani seemed adamant about having her onboard the team and nobody else.

The helicopter landed with a small clumsy bump, waking Calliope from her thoughts. Sometime into the ride over the island she must have closed her eyes without realising.
Letting go of the handle she'd clung to for her life in the roof of the machine, she opened the door and was immediately met by a wall of moist tropical heat. She praised herself for having chosen a light beige-and sandcoloured two piece set with shorts and spaghetti strap shirt, made from a thin and easily breathable material that softly swayed in the wind of the helicopter's big blades as it took off again.
Calliope also praised herself for having chosen to wear her boots. In this climate she was sure to run into some mud at some point.

"Ms. Faye! Welcome to Jurassic world. I'm Claire Dearing, park operations manager." Calliope looked up from her bags to see an organised-looking red-head walking her way with a bunch of papers in her arms.
"Calliope is fine, nice to meet you." She said as she picked up her bags making sure to smile back at Claire politely.

"I will be driving you to your private bungalow first, there we'll drop off your bags, then I'll give you your worker's pass and schedule, afterwards you can run off and have a look at the park for yourself before you officially start tomorrow." Claire listed as she grabbed Calliope's suitcase. The newly arrived girl looked at her dumbfounded, "I get my own bungalow?"

"Of course! The dinosaurs we expect you to mainly be working with are in one of the 'further away' corners of the park, therefore it'll be more efficient to have you living closer to them." Calliope just nodded at Claire's reasoning, it made sense. "–Well then, throw your bags in the trunk and get in! We have a busy day ahead of us!" Claire said as she walked ahead towards a huge jeep. Calliope did as told and threw in her bags before getting in the car's front passenger seat.


"Beyond these gates are the plains. That's where our herbivores are released once they grow too big for the Gentle Giant petting zoo." Claire explained as they waited for the huge gates in front of them to open. "–Out here you can also ride the gyrospheres as a guest to see the animals up close and personal." Calliope nodded thoughtfully.

"So, actually your bungalow will be situated just in the outskirts of the plains, as in within the walls." Claire said looking for a reaction. Calliope only shrugged. "Like, the dinosaurs will be able to step onto my porch?" She asked weirdly calm.

"Exactly! –but that rarely happens. Besides, they're herbivores, and our policies forbid them to mate and nest, so they don't get aggressive or territorial really." Calliope shrugged though she really wanted to ask about the mating and nesting policies.
Wouldn't it affect the animals to just take away part of their natural instincts like that?

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