Chapter 1: Level S

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Disclaimer: i DO NOT own Silence means you agree, the characters,OR the words from it,the fanfic belongs to GLOWPOP20, I recommend checking her deviantART,Twitter,tumblr,and Vlare

Without any farther a do LETS GET STARTED!!!

(Y/n)'s POV

My name is (Y/n) Richards,me and my sister Savvy arrived on level S,and the following has already has taken place.

Malice swoops in and kidnaps Boris...and our sister.Our father Henry and Caleb leave us behind to look for them....and yet,the ink Demon is nowhere to be found...But hey,I could be wrong.Bendy can be very mysterious when. It comes to sneaking up on his prey.

In fact,he could be behind me and Savvy right now...


I turned on my heels to be face to face with Caleb with scars all over and turns out that He had tailed us our dad wasn't with him so obviously me and savvy and we had Every right to be downright livid

"Where's.Dad" I hissed

"(Y-Yn), S-Savvy...hold on, just let me-"

Then Savvy cuts him off

"You better tell us where you lost him Or your face will end up crumpled and unfinished like Alice's!" She snapped

"W-well...while Dad and I were going deeper into level S, Bendy cut us off By appearing through some double doors...But before he went after Dad,he made quick work of my arm and left a nasty gash behind" he explained

"Well next time, you need to be more careful, Caleb." Savvy tells him while she heals him

He stayed silent

"Were did Dad run off to?" I asked him

"He fell down a trapdoor before Bendy got a hold of him."

I sighed "Great."

"There.That should do it" she said taking her hand off

"The scars are still there" he replied

"Caleb they won't go away for a while.They'll heal on their own" she answered

"Sheep,sheep it's time for your head it's time for bed"

We turned to the sound where the voice came from

"In the morning you may wake."

We walked down the hallway and peeked around the corner

"Or in the'll be Dead."

To be continued...

(Thank you GlowPOP20 for the inspiration^^)

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