Chapter 15: Uncovering The Past

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Previously on Silence Means You Agree

Even today, I worry for him because of how much hatred, anger and bitterness he held towards me and even Joey. He's more than just my brother...he's a shadow of my former self...I still get chills thinking about what would've become of Henry and his children if he went too far...


No one's POV

Savvy and (Y/n) were sleeping, (Y/n)'s hoodie was around her waist as she slept, Henry and Caleb were talking to the lost one.

" I really can't thank them enough for helping us. It's been so long since any of us got mental aid while stuck in this state of being..." the lost one said

"I'm sure when they wake up, they'll be able to take the thanks." Henry replied

"...Will they be alright?"

"Of course, they will be. I'm their father; they get their resilience from me. All of my children do. When It comes to falling from great heights, getting knocked over the head by a crazed prophet, and descending at top speeds down a lift controlled by a megalomanic angel claiming she's the real Alice; trust me, seeing a group of ink people really doesn't stand out as much. No offense."

"N-no you're fine...but...why would Mr. Lawrence hit you over the head like he did? I get that he wanted to help keep our hopes up, but I never thought he would take it too far..."

"Heh, I thought the very same thing when he was raving on and on about Bendy setting him free. If anything his mannerism were definitely delusional. He was both of my daughter's voice director way back when the studio was actually safe. When Savvy turned 10, Sammy got into an accident and she tried to heal him the best she could before he was rushed to the hospital."

"Oh, I see...the reason I wanted to thank them is because they gave special aid to my wife and daughter...I can't tell you how relieved I am now, could't stop crying for days..."

"Dad" Caleb spoke

"yes son?" Henry replied

"I'm started to believe there's was something off about Malice while we made our way up here..." Caleb told Henry

"fill me in." Henry said

"Because while she sent us to her dirty work, she made mention of the Ink Demon causing his victims to deteriorate physically, mentally or even emotionally... do you think that maybe he's the reason for her grotesque appearance and her constant need to be perfect?" Caleb explained


Caleb made a very interesting point, Malice and Zeta did have a confrontation before we came to. He made her defenseless in trying to pry the truth from her crooked lips...


Savvy's POV



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