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"The bullet guy?" asked Sam.

"Yeah. Alexander. Axel," Colby said. I nervously bit my lip.

"Why aren't you more excited about this?" Kat asked, walking over to the fridge. I slumped against Colby who was leaning against the kitchen counter and he pulled me into him.

"He was a good friend. Helped me out when I didn't really deserve it," I said.

"The motherfucker shot you," said Corey, looking at me like I was insane.

"You don't want to kill someone who shot you?" Kevin asked, unaware of the entirety of the story.

"Guys. Relationships in a job like Saturn's were complex. But she's not Saturn anymore, she's Jupiter. It's okay for her to be hesitant about this, but she's got the balls to still lead us into it without complaining. Cut her some slack," Colby said. I turned myself so that I was facing Colby but still leaned up against him, my face pressed against his chest. He wrapped his second arm around me and held me in a hug.

"You're right," Corey mumbled.

"Where'd you get shot?" Kevin asked.

"Her butt," Jake said.

"Nice. Got a scar?" Kevin asked.

"Yes," Colby said.

"Hey! Personal information!" I said, pulling my face from his chest but not leaving the hug.

"It's right....," Colby said, "here." He poked the middle of my ass where my scar was and I slapped him in the face. "Jupiter, stop doing that."

"Jesus Christ," said Brennen.

"I said personal information!" I said in defense.

"I'd be mad if Corey poked my ass in front of everyone else, too," said Dev.

"I wouldn't do that. I don't want everyone staring at your butt," said Corey.

"Yeah Colby, you trying to get us all to stare at her ass?" asked Tara.

"I'm not complaining. Girl's hot," said Kat.

"No, I am not. Just like to show off what's mine," he said.

"I hate you," I mumbled.

"Nope, you love me," he said.

"Unfortunately," I sighed.

"So what's the plan here?" asked Kat. I shrugged.

"I don't know. I could go back in as Saturn and find a way to get him alone, I guess," I said.

"I don't know how the whole crime ring thing works, but I feel like it's not the best idea to go back alone to a group of dangerous people that you lowkey abandoned," said Jake.

"I can go with her. I've met Axel before," Colby said.

"I'll allow it," said Mike. I raised an eyebrow and everyone's heads turned toward him. "Right, sorry. You're in charge now," he said, his face heating up with embarrassment.

"Mhm. I am," I said slowly, nodding like I was talking to a child. His face turned a brighter shade of red, but I didn't feel any remorse. I needed to make and keep my position as the leader as apparent as possible, especially when someone challenged it, whether intentional or not.

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