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~ Dedicated to @SpaceQueenSara who has been a great source of inspiration and encouragement. I'll never forget your love and kindness. :) <3 ~

Time went by painfully slow for Violetta as she kept waiting for Kim's text or call but both never came. It was starting to vex her now.

Why did he give her his number in the first place if he wasn't going to text her or attend her damn calls?  Looking at Kim's WhatsApp display picture with a scowl on her face, she took in a sharp breath and threw her phone on the bed.

Today was finally the day she was about to attend the very first concert of her life and she wasn't excited, to say the least. But, she had made a promise to Alice and according to her friend, she'd put her blood, sweat and tears into getting the tickets so there was no way she could escape it now.

If only Violetta knew she was about to meet the person―who was the cause of her restlessness―at the very concert she was so uninterested to attend.


The sun had disappeared below the horizon and the darkness was slowly starting to engulf the sky, bringing on the night.

Violetta stood in her room, eyeing the pile of clothes on her bed―her gaze swinging from one dress to another. She had literally dumped her whole wardrobe on the bed and yet she couldn't decide on what to wear to the concert.

Running a hand through her dusky brown locks, she considered the idea of just closing her eyes and randomly picking a dress from the sea of clothes on her bed when her eyes fell on a long red coat.

She picked it up, scrutinizing it. "Hmm, this is not bad." She decided to pair it up with a black shirt and leather pants. It was going to be a chilly night anyway.

She collected her outfit of the night and hurriedly went to change since she knew Alice would be here any second to pick her up. After dressing up, she put on minimal makeup and tied her hair into a loose messy ponytail. She was still fixing her hair when she heard the sound of a car's horn.

She raced towards the window and saw Alice's car in the parking. Waving at her, she yelled, "I am coming!"

Before leaving her room, she quickly glanced at herself in the mirror―approving her looks―but still felt like something was missing. She opened the drawer and took out the golden hoop earrings she'd gotten as a birthday present from her father. 

Putting them in, she smiled in the mirror, "Now, I look good!" and with that, she rushed downstairs.

She halted when she spotted her father watching TV in the living room. "Dad, Alice is here. We're going to the concert I told you about yesterday."

Violetta's father looked at her daughter and gave a warm smile to her. "Have a good time honey, and make sure not to scream your lungs out and come back with a sore throat."

"Isn't that what people do at concerts, Dad?" She arched a brow. "Anyways, I should get going now, Alice is waiting outside."

Her father nodded and she sprinted outside.

"Violet, finally! Get in, hurry." Alice prompted her to sit in the car. She opened the door and slid inside. Her eyes took in Alice's attire as she put on the seatbelt. She was rocking the denim jacket and ripped jeans but what really caught Violetta's attention was the white shirt that she had underneath. It had BTS and the names of all the band members written on it. 

"Whoa, Alice. You're definitely a hardcore fan of BTS," Violetta beamed. "You look pretty." 

Alice's face lit up as she bounced in the car seat. "Really? you think Jimin would notice me?"

Violetta laughed at her friend's exuberance, "Definitely!" 

Alice giggled, turning the key in the ignition. The engine roared to life and they drove to their destination―chattering about the most prominent and loved K-pop boy band in the world. 

They reached to the stadium―where the concert was taking place―in less than half an hour. Violetta's eyes bulged out of their sockets when she saw a sea of people present outside the stadium. The crowd was buzzing with excitement. BTS songs were blaring all around making the fans sway to the music. 

Violetta's jaw dropped when she spotted some people coming out of camping tents with big suitcases. She turned to Alice and pointing in the direction, she asked. "Are they planning to live here or something?"

Alice cackled, shaking her head. "They set up the camps so they could get their hands on BTS merch as soon as they could, silly!"

Violetta stared at the dedicated fans with her mouth ajar. She couldn't believe people loved this band to such an extent. 

The announcement to enter was made and people had started going inside in accordance to their assigned seat numbers. Violetta and Alice stood in line for a good ten minutes before they finally entered the stadium and found their seats which were close to the diamond shaped stage.

In just few minutes the empty spots were filled. Violetta felt overwhelmed being among such a large crowd and her heartbeat rose the moment the stadium lights grew faint and a video started playing on big screen.

The stadium erupted with loud cheers and screams of the euphoric fans―making Violetta's heart jump in her chest. She had never witnessed something like that. Alice was also screaming beside her, jumping up and down.

And then, the moment everyone was waiting for finally happened. The Bangtan boys emerged on the stage, in all their glory, sending the fans into a total frenzy.

The lights illuminated the stage as the seven golden boys came into the view and walked with graceful strides.

Violetta was stunned by the visuals. Her amber eyes fell on the tallest guy with adorable dimples and traveled to the young guy with muscular, veiny arms but when her gaze moved to the next member, it stopped. 

And so did her heart. 

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