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Taehyung was restless.

He looked at his wrist watch for the umpteenth time and threw his head back, groaning. "How long would it take?"

The Bangtan Boys were flying back to Hamilton on their private plane after successfully wrapping up the concert in Toronto. They were extremely worn out―Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok already dozing off. The Rap Monster had his head buried in a book while Jungkook was scrolling through his phone but the raven-haired man couldn't stop being anxious.

"Why are you so desperate to get back?" Jimin, who sat right beside Taehyung asked with a raised brow―already knowing the cause of his desperation.

"Because, I have to see Vio... letta," Taehyung's voice faltered at the end and he averted his gaze, preferring to look at the floating clouds from the small window of the plane.

Jimin chortled, nudging Taehyung playfully. "You didn't see her for years and now when you have, you can't even spend few days without her? What has changed, Taehyung?"

The onyx-eyed man raked his unkempt hair―clearly flustered. "It's not what you're thinking."

Jimin looked at his friend with a teasing gleam in his eyes. "That's what you've been telling me and yourself but we both know what it really is."

Taehyung hoisted a brow at his remark, "and what is it?"

"I think I've told you a hundred times already." Jimin patted his head making him whine.

His friend had been onto him ever since he had met Violetta, telling him how he's so into her. He had even almost blurted it out in front of Violetta.

Taehyung sighed, lightly smacking Jimin's shoulder. "Drop it already. She's just a friend."

The words swirled in his head. Just a friend, sounded so unconvincing even to himself. How was he supposed to convince his friend who was well aware of the changes of his heart. 

He rested his head back on the seat and before closing his eyes, he didn't miss the smirk on Jimin's face. 


The agonising wait was finally coming to an end for Taehyung as he was finally back in the city where the girl who was starting to take over his mind resided. The concert had left him knackered so he had given himself a day to rest before keeping his promise of taking the brunette girl to dinner. 

Tapping on the steering wheel of his car, he was now impatiently waiting for Violetta to show up. He had parked his car a little far from her house and had already informed her of his arrival. 

He bit his lower lip, anticipation shimmering in his dark eyes that were staring fixedly ahead.

The corner of his mouth stretched upwards when he spotted the brunette girl walking out of her house, donning a mahogany belted swing coat that fitted around her waist and reached down to her knees; paired up with black ankle boots.

Her long brown hair was tied into a sleek low ponytail and her cheeks were tinted with a soft pink. There was a shyness in her body movements as she walked with her hands clasped together. The look of longing in his eyes was quickly changed into admiration.

She was so simple, so effortlessly beautiful. 

Taehyung had a sudden impulse to just run to her and pull her in his arms. He recalled how she perfectly fit in his arms the first time he embraced her.

He might've done that. He might've sprinted to her if he hadn't seen a tall muscular guy coming from behind and stopping Violetta in the middle. 

His smiling face transformed into a frown watching Violetta rolling her eyes at the guy who had said something to her. Who was he? His coal black eyes raked the guy who seemed way too casual with his friend. 

A Love So Violet | Taehyung FF ✓Where stories live. Discover now