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The shadow wrapped its arms around Alastor's shoulders and gave him a wide toothy grin. Alastor smirked at the shadow and opened a portal to once again spy on his lovely spider demon. Angel was walking back to his bedroom straight from Husks room. Angel was now in quite a delightful mood, he finally got to fuck the grump out of that boozy feline. He hummed to himself a familiar tune from when he was still alive as he double pressed the up button on the elevator. Alastor could not help but stare at the spider's ass as he strode along the hallway, remembering the feeling the entity gave him as it burrowed himself into that tight little hole. His face started to grow hot and the shadow could feel the heat radiating off of the Radio Demon.

A large, mirrored surface acted as the elevators back wall. Angel strode into the elevator and looked up from the floor, he was staring at the ground to make sure he didn't trip on the rail that the door opened up on.

"Well fuck." his reflection startled him; he was a wreck from the floor up. His boots were scuffed, shirt on backwards and coat inside out. Hair was a total mess.

"ugh....I look like I've been through a gang bang instead of a...." pausing, he looked up into the ceiling of the lift and questioned himself, " would that have been a threesome....that thing wasn't a person really...but Husk was real..." he pondered this until the doors opened up reaching his floor. A small one-eyed demon was bouncing patiently outside the elevator doors, broom and duster in her hands.

"Angel! How are you? You look tired, and dirty. Why is your shirt inside out? Why is your coat backwards? Why do you smell like sweat and booze? Are you..." Angel cut her off mid-sentence with his third set of arms that shot out of his body like lightning.

"Hut-tut-tut-tut....shhhhhhhh" he smacked his hand on her mouth, "goddamnit Niffty keep ya voice down!" he gave a small sigh, "Just...ugh" he rubbed his temples with his upper set of hands, clearly aggravated by the high pitched, excited, shrill voice coming from the small demon. Small and annoying, but very cute as she was, he could not get too mad at her.

"Look, uh.... Husk wanted me to ask you if you could help him clean up the back bar, would'ja..." she grabbed Angel's hand with both of hers and took it off of her mouth.

"Sure of course! That grumpy old cat needs a lady's touch in that filthy bar of his! Say no more I'm on it!" she raced past Angel into the lift and slammed her finger multiple times on the L button and the doors could not shut fast enough. She was still bouncing as the doors closed. Angel rolled his eyes at the sheer energy this girl put off.

"I wanna know what that chick did to get down here...." There were a lot of questions on this spider's mind but for now he had one thing in the forefront of his brain, "I need a fuckin shower." He continued down the hallway to his bedroom, unlocked it, and headed inside. It had been quite an exhausting day, but he couldn't help but think of why Alastor was toying with him so much. Why not just fuck him himself? Then he remembered what he said about the whole "he likes to torture people thing" and dropped that question from his mind. He gave a small sigh and started to strip his clothes off. Leaving a trail of discarded garments from the door to his private bathroom. He stood there in front of the shower thinking about it, then looked at the unused bath tub.

"I haven't taken a bath since I moved into the hotel...eh, what the hell." Leaning over to turn the faucet on, he hummed the same tune as before, and turned the knobs. He was down to his undies and boots now.

"Oh, looks like it's bath time," Alastor's staff chimed in next to him. He looked over at the sentient microphone and gave it a little smirk.

"I see that, and it seems we are going to get a private show. Let's see what this spider does with his personal time when I do this..." Alastor snapped his fingers and a small noise chimed. The shadow looked intently at the portal that was showing Angel in his bathroom. It looked as if he had been struck with a thought. His eyes grew droopy and a smile crept along his face.

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