Chapter One

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Nobody was listening to Mr Andrews rattle on about Algebra anyway. I don't exactly know why he continues, but he does. Unfortunately for me. Probably he's enjoying watching us DIE of boredom.

I give up trying to listen and doodle in my textbook. Even though people call me the cleverest kid in school - I outwit even the geekiest kids two years older than me - everyone (except Mr Andrews) knows I can't stand Algebra. Suddenly all hell breaks loose.

A deafening BANG! knocks me off my seat and I tumble to the ground. Eardrums rattling, I stagger to my feet and hurry outside. What the hell was that? I wonder as I shove past kids, their faces looking like they've seen a ghost, and poinying at the windows. Finally I reach a clearing where I can see what's going on, and my mouth drops open in shock. There, surrounding the school, blocking us in, cutting us away from society, a huge cliff is bursting out the ground. It keeps on rising, until it is about fifteen meters in the air. With a rumbling screech, the cliff stops rising and stays still. I slowly turn round, feeling in my pocket to call the Police, but a kid has beaten me. He gasps, and speaks, his voice laced with terror. "There's no signal. We're trapped."

* * * * * * * * * * * *

It's been one hour since the walls rose and nobody's had any luck with their phones. I sigh, and turn to my best friend Astrid. "I bet this is your worst nightmare, huh? Stuck in school. Maybe you'll have to do History revision to wind away the hours!" I say with a giggle.

" Verity, that's not funny. Just shut up. I'm trying to get a signal or to contact EE."

Usually Astrid laughs at my jokes. Usually Astrid has a good sense of humor. But today's events seen to have drained the life out of everyone. Astrid seems to be really freaked out. Depression is running high through the gym, and kids are sobbing everywhere.

A small kid wanders over to me. "Verity, what are we going to do?" Other children take this as an oppurtunity, and waddle over.

"Yeah, Verity, you're the school's biggest nerd. What are we gonna do?"

"You must know. You know everything! Help me!!"

White-hot anger bubbles up inside me. I don't know how to get out. If I did know, I would be trying to get out. But, believe it or not, the nerd doesn't know!! The voices say, and I let it all out with something foul. Tears streaming down my face, I race away, deep into the maze that is my school. I end up in Mrs Courtney's English room, and I sit and scream, wanting my mum. Wanting my dad. Wanting to get out of this mess.

SOOOO!! This was the first chapter!! Hope you all like it!! Be sure to write down and I'll read your stories. I dedicated this chapter to my "Twin" @Brionia , you should go and read her Percy Jackson fanfic, it recently hit 2k! Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram @grievershank ;) See ya soon!

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