Chapter Three

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        Light is spilling into the room when I wake. My bones are stiff after an uncomftble sleep. Reluctently I decide to take a peek at my wound, only to gasp in surprise - it's gone!! Cautiously, I stretch it out, and there's no pain at all."Wow!" I whisper in awe. So I get up

        Bad idea. Nausea floods through my body and I'm leaning over the kitchen sink, throwing up any food I had left. I gulp some water, and shakily stumble outside to find Astrid and tell her what happened. 

        As I'm heading towards the football pitch, I begin to feel uneasy. Something's not right, nobody's around. "Hello?" I yell, willing someone, anyone to hear. Then, the realisation dawns on me. "NO!" I scream as I race around the edges of the cliff-thing.

        I see Astrid climbing up a rope, not looking down - she's petrified of hights. Everyone else is at the top, and beginning to see me. I'm safe!! I wave happily to the kids pointing at me. They're not pointing at me.

        I know what's bounding after me, as I dart towards the rope. Leaping on, I heave my body up as fast as I can, while the other kids are tugging desperatley. Astrid sees me and screams my name, and I turn round to see a huge wolf sailing through the air. Incredibly strong fangs pull me down, and I see the fear on Astrid's face as I fall, fall, fall through the air, and hear the crunch of what surely must be broken bones.

*        *        *        *

        My eyes flicker open and the first thing I register is that I'm in a cave of some sort. A horrible stench hangs around the air, but I can't exactly name the smell. Great. Surprisingly I feel fine, even though I'm sure my bones broke when I fell. Strange, I think, as I stand, gripping onto a rock for support. As soon as I let go of the rock, I fall onto my hands and knees. What happened there? Confused, I stand up again, well try to, begause again, I fall back onto my hands and knees.

        After a couple more tries, I become agitated, and end up crawling. Well, I say crawling, but it's fast for crawling, more like walking, but on all four.

        As I delve deeper into the labyrinth of the cave, I get the feeling that I'm being watched. Something's watching my every move, but when I turn around, nothing's there. As I crawl past a door (Why are there doors in a cave?), I hear a muttered conversation.

"What power level is she?" a girl asks

"I'd say, at the moment, a five or six out of ten. she showed a lot of skill by killing MIdnight." a husky voice snaps. Who're they talking about? Who are they? Loads of questions race in my mind. My instincts tell me to open the door. But it's strung open before I get the chance to do it myself.

        To my horrror, I see a huge brown wolf snarling at me. He grabs me with his jaws by the scruff of me neck and drags me into the room, slamming the door shut with his hind legs. "Who are you?" he growls, dropping me on the rocky floor. "Your mum" I answer with a smirk. "Why can wolves talk, wolves don't talk, they don't have enough brain-" 

"Spare me the details" the girl says sarcastically. I observe the girl wolf. She's not big, not small, and has a light-grey fur covering, apart from a pink streak down her left temple. I get the feeling it wasn't done accidently - but how can wolves dye their fur? I suppose I shouldn't wonder, because this is a world where broken bones heal and wolves talk.

        "To answer your question; we're not any wolves. We are.. to put in "Human terms", supposingly.. werewolves. But we control when we are in human form, and when we are in wolf form. You're one too. If you focus on your human self you can-"

        His voice trails off as I stagger over to a pool of water and stare at the reflection. Instead of seeing my mousy brown hair and startling green eyes, I see a small brown wolf, with needle-sharp fangs showing. I want to cry, to wake up from this horrid dream. Why me? I howl and howl, and nobody tries to stop me.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was at a Christmas Market (its started aaahhhhh). SO... Here's a long chapter (in my terms) so enjoy it and be sure to check out my twin @Brionia :)

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