Chapter Eight

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        I'm dismissed from camp, with an order to return in three days - the time it takes for the Wolf Council to make a decision. I bid goodnight to Pinky, and head into my flat. It's simple on the outside, just a normal flat, but on the inside, I've decorated it to suit my (wierd) tastes, which is that everything is blue.

        Now, I have a reason. When I was ten, I read Percy Jackson, and it took over my life. So that generated my obsession with the colour blue. None of my wolvey friends know about this.

        I sit on my blue bed and sigh. I'm starting to regret not telling LS about my speed problem. It's gnawing away at my conscience, and making me uneasy, and I toss and turn all through the night, unable to sleep. Eventually, I give up trying to sleep, and head outside, not making a sound. 

        I slink through the moonlit street, and I love the fact that it's deserted. I reach the football field, and sink into a bench, my head rushing. Just a little nap, I think. My eyes are cloudy, and I feel like I'm going to faint. This walk was NOT a good idea. I'm so tired, I don't hear the footsteps behind me.

        Hands close around my neck, and I'm thrown into the air. I thud against a body, and he tightens his grip. My lungs gasp for air, and I kick frantically. The voice chuckles, and I see stars. The pain as I fight for oxygen is overwhelming, and I crumple. The grip has gone. I lay on the floor gasping, and see a figure punching the guy, and running over to me. "Misty" he cries, and I see his face.

"Sam.." I wheeze, then I black out.

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