Chapter Four

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                                                                *THREE MONTHS LATER*

        "Misty, come on!" Pinky yells. Her voice echos off the walls as I tumble out of bed, and scamper to the door. I open it to see a teenager bouncing up and down in excitement, her pink plait flapping on her shoulder. She's wearing her trademark grey hoodie, and greets me in a big bear hug. "Hey, come on, we have to go!!" She says, pulling me along. 

"Where? I was planning to watch Netfix today!" I grumble, my laziness impressing me.

"LS sent me a tele-message," Pinky grins. She always gloats about being able to use the tele-message system. Only the highest-ranking members of the Council are granted the ability. As you might have guessed, I do not have that ability.

        I sigh and brush my hair out of my eyes and hurry after her. That girl never stops, I think. "So, LS wants me, huh? It must be because of my good looks!" I laugh and flick my hair over my shoulders. 

"Obviously" Pinky replies with a giggle and a playful punch to my arm. We race down the street at a mad spee, recieving "looks" from dignified adults. Finally, we reach the woods at the edge of the city. The meeting spot for us wolf-kind is right in the middle of the woods, where nobody walks by accident. Our meetings are completely concealed, although I've only been to one, and that was my joining celebration and oath.

        I focus on a wolf in my mind, driving any other thought away, and see the world grow larger as I get smaller. I turn and see Pinky's big wolf staring at me, her pink stripe glowing in the dawn haze. We nod and tear through the trees, blood flowing and feeling free, barely touching the ground.

        Finally, we reach the area and sit expectantly. LS enters. His muscular biuld makes him the strongest member of the pack, and so he's leader. 

        LS's real name is Lightning Stripe. When he was younger, he was new to the pack, and there was a lightning storm. He controlled the lightning somehow, but he was struck defending his sister, and was burnt. That's how he got his name.

        He looks me in the eye. "Okay MIsty. Let's be blunt. Our Head of Scouting has gone to the Gods. We need a new one. To get the role, you need to come on our next recruitment and prove yourself worthy." I stare at Pinky uncomprehendingly. She sighs. "You get a big role if you bite kids." she says.

        My heart leaps. My first job. I swear to do this, to prove to LS that I'm a great warrior. He howls, and a van skids into the clearing. "Go, and prove yourself. Kill if you must. Recruit TO BE HONOURED!!!!!" He yells, and I hear the distant howls of other wolves, all cheering for me.

        Guys I'm ssososos sorry for not updating. I have a lot of homework, and two Instagram accounts, so yeah. Please forgive me!

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