Chapter 10

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The darkness of the school unsettles me, as I creep along the narrow hallways. The doors to multiple classrooms swing open, and each time they slam I jump, earning myself a jab in the ribs from Pinky.

Eventually, we reach what seems to be the gym. I don't know. It seems so long since I was the nerd, the teachers pet, Now, I could kill all of these kids, I hear the faint mumble of kids nervously talking. Of course. The stone wall thing has come.

"Go" Pinky hisses. I push on the door, wincing at the creak it makes. I scan the crowd quickly and locate the boy we need to get. I remember him. He was the boy who was always on his phone, at the back of the class. NOW, I think. I leap in he air, generating screams, and drag the boy by his shirt towards the door. Pinky is sprinting towards the group of paniked kids, running in all directions. This wasn't part of the plan. We agreed to grab the kid and go. Oh no! I think. I know what she's doing.
"PINKY!! No!" I scream, but I can only stare as she leaps into the mass of bodies. "Wait!" I bark at the boy, and race towards Pinky. Heart burning with exhaustion, I plunge into the mess. Pinky is gnawing at anything. There's a girl clutching her face, blood matting her strawberry-blonde hair. Passing her, I grab Pinky's arm and yank with all my strength, the adrenaline rush taking over my strength. I have become human again. Pinky struggles, swearing at me. No mercy, I think. I grab a huge textbook and whack it on her head.
I sprint back into the hall, where the group are crowded around the girl. I stare at my blood-matted fur, as the wolf has appeared. I hear a cry of pain, and I know the voice. It's Astrid! "Astrid!" I yell, and heads turn. I forget I'm a wolf. A kid screams and rushes towards me, a knife in his hand. I'm busy looking at Astrid in despair. There is a rushing pain in my hip. I look down and see the boy digging his knife in. I howl and struggle out and limp away, whimpering.
No, I think as I crawl into the cool midnight air. This can't be it. The pain is excruciating, and I'm trying not to black out. Coloured spots swarm my vision. Head reeling, I stare up at the moon, and howl my song. My death song.

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