Chapter five.

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Ghouls surround her like a pack of Vultures as she vulnerably hugs her knees in fear as all the masked people around her simply stand

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Ghouls surround her like a pack of Vultures as she vulnerably hugs her knees in fear as all the masked people around her simply stand. She would beg for them to let her go but Blaise knew all too well that the ghouls wouldn't listen to her. She was going to die.
"Aww the little firefly is scared how cute." Eto announces as she leans in front of the red haired girl.
Blaise tightly closes her eyes as Eto strokes the side of Blaise's face as if she were a pet.
"I like this one a lot. I may keep her as my own" Eto announces

Striking fear through Blaise hearing those words as her blue orbs snap open.
"She's a beauty. Imagine how good she tastes" Yamori fans as he begins to drool with the thought of ripping his teeth into her neck.
"I guess you'll never find out considering Eto wants to keep trash like this alive" Ayato announces as he glances over to the scared girl. He recognised her and he wasn't sure from where.

"Alright let's take her and go" The golden haired woman with the Egyptian mask announces as she glances down at Blaise with her head tilting.
"Ayato. Take the girl and put her with the rest while we search for more." Eto demands causing Ayato's face to drop.
Why him? He thought he hated being around pathetic humans like her.

Before Ayato can respond all of the ghouls dive through the air disappearing through rooftop leaving Ayato alone with the scared red head.
He sighs as he glances down at her who doesn't say a word as she cowers with fear.
"Come on trash let's go" Ayato sighs
Blaise looks up at the boy who towers over her in his intimating form. His voice was even more intimidating and husky however it had that softness which confirmed to Blaise that he was indeed still young.

Blaise isn't able to move as she continues to stay on the ground too shocked and what's going to happen to her.
"I said let's move Dumbass!" He growls not showing any patience or tolerance towards Blaise's fear.
Blaise still doesn't move causing anger to erupt in Ayato as he aggressively grips on to her harm forcefully hoisting her off the ground. Ayato realises how light and weak she actually is due to the fact she weighs almost nothing.

The boys large form towers over Blaise as he pulls her up closer to him. He is overwhelmingly strong and powerful as he grips onto her arm easily. She knew that if she tried to escape it wouldn't work. Blaise notices a crowbar and before she thinks about what she's doing she leans down and grasps it swinging it off the boy's face

What Ayato doesn't expect next is for Blaise to grab a crowbar and wack it off Ayato's face knocking his mask clean off as if smacks off the ground into a puddle. Ayato pauses shocked for a second his kakaguan eyes widen as he turns to the side locking eyes with Blaise as she has a good look at his face.

Finally seeing his face Blaise stares into his ghoul eyes as his eyes widen taken back but not unsure why until her face turns to one of anger as she angrily stares him down.

He doesn't move while looking at her with anger shocked at what she had done

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He doesn't move while looking at her with anger shocked at what she had done. Blaise feels strange looking at the boy as if he knows him but isn't sure from where all she knows is his face is very very familiar and brings her a sense of comfort however Blaise suddenly pulls herself from his grasp while grasping the crowbar tightly keeping it in front of it.
"Stay back!!" Blaise warns trying to hide the fear in her eyes as she keeps her composure. A smirk appears on Ayato's lips as he stares her down.
"What the hell are you gonna do?" He asks challenging the human girl. Blaise knew she'd have no chance against a ghoul but that wouldn't stop her from trying.
"I said STAY BACK" she roars again tightening her grip around the metal rod.
"Drop the rod dumbass. We aren't going to hurt you"
"I don't believe you." She snarls

This insults Ayato as she instantly assumes because they are ghouls that the only thing on their minds is devouring her.
"Fine don't believe me either way your coming with us." He growls no longer playing any games
Blaise suddenly charges towards Ayato causing a laugh to escape him as he suddenly places his hand on her head with his ghoul strength he pushes slightly sending her hurling backwards. She drops the rod and smacks into the ground leaving a pain to strike through her body. Ayato walks towards her Blaise looks over at the rod and tries to reach it before Ayato kicks it away.
He suddenly grabs her by the wrists and hoists her off the ground as she weighs nothing. Blaise tries to squirm out of his grasp but he suddenly hoists her small body over his shoulder.
"Let me go" she yells
Ayato suddenly dives in the air with his ghoul adrenaline taking Blaise easily with him.

Eto stands on a lamppost and watches as small giggle escapes her.
Ayato suddenly dives on a pathwalk as Blaise struggles against him.
"God your fucking annoying" he yells throwing Blaise on the ground as ghoul ties her up and throw her in the back of one of their vans.

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