Chapter nine.

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It had been days since Blaise and the others were held captive by Aogiri. It was still miserable to be there however with the hope of escaping Blaise had given them allowed the humans to cling onto some hope.
Blaise tried to stay quiet and not rebel the best she could staying true to her plan. Blaise , Yuki , Ronin and Daris had all became close friends in that time very quickly. Besides Mika and Touka Blaise began to see them as her other close friends.

"Rock , paper , scissors!!" Both Blaise and Yuki should sitting across from one another with their legs in a basket as they swing their hands down. As Blaise flattens her hand to shape it like paper and Yuki sticks out two fingers to imitate scissors.
"Dam it!" Blaise laughs in frustration
"I win again! I'm just too good at this game!" Yuki cockily declares while folding her arms.
"You both suck!" Ronin laughs folding his arms and leaning against the wall as both Blaise and Yuki snap their heads in his direction.

"Yeah right!" Blaise challenges folding her arms to imitate him.
"Is that a challenge?" Ronin asks as he pushes himself off the wall approaching Blaise's tinier body. As place stands 'face to face' with him she finds herself facing his chest instead of his face due to how tall he is.
"Oh you bet it is!" Blaise snaps preparing to beat him in Rock Paper Scissors.

Before the two can begin their duel the door suddenly creeps open to reveal the emo ghoul who barged into her outside the college.
"Come on trash it's time to go." He snarls.
Ayato's eyes land on Blaise as he feels himself becoming irritated by her already.

Blaise feels Daris tense beside her preparing to snap an insult however she quickly slams her hand on his chest to prevent him from speaking up as they can't ruin the plan. He sighs to himself firstly glancing down at Blaise then forces himself to walk out of the cell as everyone follows on. Blaise tenses in anger as she passes Ayato through the door way. As she passes him a tension arises one that could cut a knife. Something about him made her uncomfortable more him that the rest.

They all walk down the corridor as usual one they are all staring to get used to as Ayato leads them into the main hall where Kasha and other ghouls linger around.
As they gather Blaise's blue orbs flicker onto weapons. Swords and daggers in a box in front of the ghouls.
"Today you must be prepared to fight. You need to develop skills which make you good enough and convincing to pull this scheme off" Kasha says suddenly stepping forward as she clutches a dagger in her hand.

Blaise tilts her head slightly wondering if training to fight will give them a better advantage to escape.
"You will fight one another and once you seem skilled enough your next stage will to be to train against ghouls as the CCG are very skilled in combat strong enough to take on ghouls we need you also to be strong enough to take on ghouls if you stand a chance against them if it comes to it."

"You May grab a weapon on your choice and we will teach you the basic steps of how to use them that is when sparring will begin." Kasha says as she reaches her hand out indicating for Blaise and the others to choose a weapon.
Daris and Yuki approach first as Blaise and Ronin linger behind.
Daris grabs a sword easily and Yuki grabs a sledgehammer.
Ronin looks over to Blaise.
"Want to choose first?" He asks her
"You can go" she answers looking at every weapon as Ronin pulls out a sharp dagger.

Blaise is left to decide as her innocent eyes wide looking at all the huge weapons before. Her hand shakes reach out to grab a thick metallic dagger from the box. Her hand shakes grasping the cold metal as she attempts to pull it from the box. Suddenly the whole dagger weighs her down as she falls alongside the weapon being to weak and petite to hold it.

"Blaise are you okay?" Ronin asks her as he kneels down beside her
"Yeah. It's so heavy" she admits realising she isn't strong enough for this. As she hears the sounds of people sniggering around her. Not ghouls the ones who kidnapped her. Humans people. The ones kidnapped with her as Anger over comes Blaise.
"Wow for a mouthy girl like her she's weak as shit." A voice whispers in the crowd.

Ayato begins to laugh too as he leans against the wall casually observing everyone around him watching Blaise struggle on the ground unable to pick up a simple thing like a dagger.
Blaise stubbornly attempts to grab the dagger and stand up. She holds the dagger with two hands as it dangles from her grip as she struggles to keep a hold of it. Her hands shake as she struggles to keep a hold.

Ayato cockily pushes himself off the wall and struts through the room with his hands in his pockets.
"Practice attacking each other with your weapons but try not to stab each other. Go." He boredly replies

Blaise's eyes widen knowing there is no way she's going to be able to spar against someone while holding that thing.
"Here give me that." Daris whispers as he grasps the dagger from Blaise's grasp.
"Hey!" Blaise blurts out
"Listen your not strong enough to wield that thing let me do it." He tells her
"Then what will I do?" Blaise asks feeling the rabbit's burning eyes on her

"Block my attacks Blaise." He asks with such trust in his eyes.
"What if I can't block your attacks?" Blaise asks
"This is a start. You have to try your best." He says suddenly firing the dagger at her.
A squeak escapes Blaise as she covers her face with her arms and turns her head to the side.
"Blaise!" Yuki hisses trying not to gain the attention of Ayato and the others
"I can't do this" Blaise cries
"You can!" She replies
"At least try" Daris whispers as everyone around them aggressively throws punches at the other

The tears stream down Blaise's face as she keeps her eyes forward with determination.
Daris swings his arm down hard towards Blaise
With a quick reflex Blaise pushes his arm out of the way before the dagger can come into contact with her skin.
A smile stretches on Eto's face as she watches Blaise specifically from above.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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