Chapter seven

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Blaise still sits on the same spot too shocked to move

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Blaise still sits on the same spot too shocked to move. The stubbornness within her causes her to yell at herself mentally

'Come Blaise get up'

however her body refuses to do so.
"Now you can either go back to the cell or stay in your dorms we have provided for you as we need you all in good health for when training begins. Now move before we kill you on the spot." Eto warns as every human is forced off the ground

A firm hand grasps onto Blaise's arm causing her blue orbs to flicker open meeting a pair of beautiful brown ones.
"It's okay kid. She's gone now you can relax" The blonde haired ghoul calmly says to her
Blaise's face instantly Narrows
"Is this a test?" She asks causing a gentle laugh to escape the blonde ghoul
"No kiddo. Eto is gone you don't need to curl into a ball." The girl says as she suddenly links arms with Blaise and hoists her up with her ghoul strength causing a soft gasp to escape Blaise.

"Come on Kid lets get you cleaned up" the Blonde girl says gently guiding Blaise away from the main warehouse hall and through the corridors
"Thank you" Blaise breathes genuinely sensing the kindness within this ghoul but still not trusting her
"What's your name?" The Blonde girl asks
"Blaise and you?" She asks eventually after a long hesitant pause
"You know Blaise , we really aren't supposed to reveal our names to humans but I'm Kasha." Kasha says as she suddenly opens a door guiding Blaise into a small room.

"Sit down" Kasha insists as she places her hand on Blaise's back indicating for her to head inside.

"Sit down" Kasha insists as she places her hand on Blaise's back indicating for her to head inside

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Blaise heads inside and awkwardly sits down as Kasha closes the door behind her.
"That was a few painful scrapes and bruises you received there" Kasha says suddenly pouring a bucket with cold water from the sink and placing a clean white rag inside.
Blaise doesn't respond picturing what just occurred and remembering Kasha was the one to use her Kagune to create a twister to purposely attack her.

Kasha suddenly approaches dipping her hands in the water grasping onto the rag before pulling it out and squeezing it as all the water rings out.
Kasha suddenly grabs Blaises hand to straighten it which causes a sting for Blaise.
"Stay still" Kasha says as she dabs the rag on Blaise's wound causing a cry of pain to escape.
"Shit" she softly grunts under her breath as Kasha wipes away the bruises.
"You know you don't seem that afraid of Ghouls Blaise not to the extent of the others even though we literally just attacked you."

"We let's just say your not the first ghouls I've met" Blaise hisses through pain causing Kasha's brown orbs to flicker open as a dry laugh escapes her
"You are starting to sound a lot more interesting than you look." She announces
Blaise simply blinks at Kasha not sure how to respond to the ghoul.
"So how did you learn to know of them."
"They saved my life a few years ago." Blaise simply answers suddenly annoying Kasha due to her quietness and Blandness
"You don't talk much do you?" Kasha asks

"Well it's hard to form a bond with Ghouls who kidnap and attack me" Blaise snaps causing another smile to escape Kasha.
"I apologise I was only following orders. Eto is our leader and we cannot disobey her."

"So why did you decide to help?" Blaise asks stubbornly changing the subject as Kasha finishes cleaning her wounds. Kasha's eyes flicker up locking onto Blaise's

"You know not a lot of people here like you Blaise. However I do. Your not a coward like the rest of them and that's why your going to live because I'm going to help you survive Aogiri."
"How would that benefit you?" Blaise asks Kasha.
"It wouldn't. I just know your a good kid. I know you didn't ask to be here but either way your not going home so there's no point in trying to. You can either survive and follow orders or you can die. I don't want to see the second option so Blaise listen to me and you'll be okay." Kasha says to her

Blaise's face softens
"thank you Kasha."
"Why are Aogiri doing this?" Blaise suddenly snaps with curiously and anger
"Because they need to know of the CCGs plans and this is the only way." Kasha responds
"We had a choice to make selfishly take a few kids to benefit ourselves or let our entire race die. I'm sorry but It was an easy choice."

Blaise doesn't respond remembering promising Touka that she would do whatever it took for ghouls and Humans to coexist then she understood. Why Aogiri had to do what they do.
"But I'm sorry it was you who Eto choose. I'm hoping we can be friends Blaise and I'm hoping you can join Aogiri but not forced as a Slave but as a permanent respected member." Kasha says taking Blaise's hand.

Blaise smiles at Kasha but is unable to form words.
Like hell I'll be joining aogiri

"Come our training begins now." Kasha says as she links arms with Blaise and guides her through Aogiri

As Kasha and Blaise walk in the Distance Ayato watches with Disgust as Kasha helps the mouthy human. Why had everyone shown an interest in that one human. He didn't understand.
"Tch" hisses as he sits down hugging his knee as the two girls pass by. He already disliked this girl as something about her irritated him and tugged at his strings and that frustrated him.
As he looks at her something strange suddenly over comes him when hearing her voice and see her eyes.

Those same eyes snapped at him furiously not that long ago as she looked at him enraged.

'Hey watch where your going'

her voice snaps matching the same voice as the red head below that's when Ayato puts two and two together realising she's the same girl he barged into outside the college not that long ago. The same human who yelled at him and suddenly he was angry but something else lingered a deeper memory of her and he wasn't sure why.

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