Chapter six

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Blaise's eyes slightly open to see a filthy dark ceiling. Considering she's half asleep she doesn't properly realise the situation she is in. Filthy water drips from the ceiling splashing into puddles around the concrete ground. Blaise stares up unphased not really processing what's going on around her until a drop of water splashes on her nose causing her blue orbs to drastically flicker open. Blaise instantly sits up now fully alert of her surroundings

She lets out a gasp when she sees others weakly laying around her. One girl curls into a ball and hugs her knees while shaking violently. A boy faces the wall and cries for his mother while others cry to themselves and others sleep uncomfortably.

Blaise instantly jumps up glancing around at her surroundings with such confusion. As she glances around she suddenly notes a cell door with bars preventing her and the other kids from escaping. Her heart stops as she runs to the bars and grasps onto them while looking through to see if she can find anyone
"Where are we?" Blaise asks the kids in a panicked tone looking over her shoulder at them.

"We Don't know." A dark haired boy responds Blaise blinks at him.
"Those Ghouls kidnapped us and brought us here. We don't know why or where we are." Another guy with curly blonde hair says leaning against the wall next to the black haired boy
Blaise stubbornly grits her teeth as she clings onto the bars tighter thinking of Mika and Touka's warnings.
"There must be a way to escape!" Blaise gasps
"Listen girly we've been here all night we've tried every while you've been sleeping." A girl with short white hair and amber eyes says
"Sit down there's nothing we can do" the black haired guy says to her

Blaise suddenly approaches the trio placing herself down beside them.
"What's your name?" The white haired female asks her
"I'm Blaise and you?" She asks her
"Yuki. This Ronin and Daris" Yuki says pointing at the the black haired boy named Daris and the Blonde Guy called Ronin.
"So those ghouls kidnapped you guys too" Blaise insinuates to start a conversation
"Yeah they stole me from my home. The boy with the Black Rabbit mask pulled me through my window" Daris says in anger

"I was taken by The blonde ghoul in the Egyptian mask. She stood in front of my car until I collided into her. She pretended to be dead or unconscious so I left my car to see if she was okay that's when she got me" Yuki explains. Lowering her head in frustration
"They tried to kidnap my girlfriend but I gave myself up to them so she'd be safe." Ronin says

They all look over to Blaise awaiting her story.
"I was walking home from a friends house when they surrounded me it became a hunt when they searched the city for me. In fact the one who found me was the strangest one she was small and covered in bandages and wore a pink dress and appeared childish and innocent but something about her makes me uneasy I believe she's the most sinister of them despite her appearance. They all listened to her and seemed to fear her. I believe she's their leader and the reason we are all here. However it was the Black Rabbit who brought me here too."

Blaise thinks back to the face of the boy underneath the Black Rabbit mask and she suddenly feels chills through her body as the familiarity was still very strong.
"Something isn't right here Ghouls usually kill humans on the spot to feed , they wouldn't go out of their way to kidnap a bunch of us humans and round them up like livestock. We are involved in a bigger picture one we don't know about." Ronin says

Suddenly the sound of the cell doors creaking grabs the attention of everyone in the cell as everyone flickers their heads to the man standing at the cell door. A tall man in a white clock with short white hair and a red mask covering his mouth.
He pulls the cell door open.
"Come on humans lets go" he demands

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