I'm Angry

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"So technically you're related to a lot of people on this damned island, aren't you?" Uma said as we stood at the front of the ship, the boys taking over the shop for the night.

"Um yes potentially" I shrugged looking out at the water.

"Well any other bad god that is here will obviously have kids that are here right?" I nodded slightly.

"Means you have a lot of cousins Queen" I turned to her slowly.

"I know, that's why I wanted to forget that side of my life cause having too much here is bad and you know it" I looked at Uma daring here to say no.

"I know but hey, maybe we can recruiter them if they cross us" She smirked evily at me.

"Or avoid them if Hades reject son didn't open his mouth" I turned as Harry came but the dock leading to the ship.

"Hello darling, Uma." He hugged me from behind and addressed Uma who was still in front of me.

"I'm going to bed, I don't need to be sick from the two of you" Uma walked away quickly, but I knew she'd be watching without a doubt.

"Ok so when the hell were you related to Hades' reject projects?" Yes that means I'm also related to our greatest of enemies now in Aurodon but doesn't mean I'm one.

"You calling me a reject project" I shoved him away from me.

"Of course not, apparently he checks up on his kids but he's mostly interested in you and that witch Mal before she became a princess" He came back to hug me.

"Oh yeah and how do you know that you prick" I walked away from him again.

"Cecelia came by our shop and said Hadie saw you and Hades asked about you because Ares couldn't care less. She wanted to know where you were" He chuckled at that.

"Um well she obviously didn't just decide to follow you here" I nodded my head to the entry of the ship where the daughter of Dr Facilier crawled quietly on the ships dock.

"You need to watch out more boy" I pushed out of his arms and towards where the young girl was entering.

"Hello Cecelia" I crossed my arms in front of me.

"Hey Quinn, Hades is asking about you again" I laughed purely out of the thought.

"More like he heard about me through his son but sure we'll go with that" I bumped her to get out of the ship, me following her.

"Well he still asked cause your parents don't care and he wanted to be a 'caring uncle' or whatever" Cecelia said as she finished walking the angled path.

"Well tell him he can visit himself if he cares so much for his darling niece" I patted her on the head and pushed her away, walking back up I saw Harry's mouth slightly ajar and I wanted to shut it.

"Close your mouth, catch flies and all that shit" I walked passed him.

"What if I wanted you to close it for me" I laughed and turned around. I slapped my hand on his mouth to shut it.

"I'm angry boy, don't make me even more pissed" I took me hand off and turned towards the entry to the back of the ship where we all slept.

"What if I like pissed Quinn" he yelled out.

"Well she's gonna get more pissed if you keep talking" I got to my room just as I heard Harry mumble about horomones and girls. I had it.

"Harry god damn Hook what did I just hear you say!" I then heard the clattering of a sword, a mess of wood and then running. I smirked.

"Queen shut up!" I heard Uma yell in the next room as I shut my door. So long scaredy-cat Son of Hook.

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