When the Party's Over - (Ariana POV)

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Present Day – Tommy's Studio

" 'When the Party is Over' – Very eery; I love it. Very sad too." Zac said as the cameras zoomed out and I could see Lauren sitting next to two of the shows organizers. Y/N was sitting on the couch, very laidback. I could see her black NASA hoodie that I used to love to wear. I found a tear rolling down my cheek at the memory.

"Funny thing is that it didn't start as a sad song when Y/N and I sat down to write it." Lauren said.

"Oh my god, shut up Jauregui, this is not your album!" I shouted at the television as I threw a pillow at it. Victoria turned her head and started laughing.

"What?!" I said a bit annoyed.

"Wow; easy there, tiger. Geez, Lauren didn't do anything to you." She said to me as Courtney looked at me a bit worried.

"I just don't like her being around Y/N. I never trusted her."

"That's a bit rich." I heard Tommy say.

"Excuse me?"

"Look Ari, I know it was all a PR stunt this whole story with Pete, but you should not direct your anger at an innocent bystander. Plus, you guys are not together anymore. Y/N can be around whoever she wants." Tommy said.

I closed my eyes and sighed. He was right. And it hurt so much. I saw Victoria turn to to Tommy, probably glaring at him as he raised his arm in a "what?" manner.

Flashback – a little over a year ago – New York

"What the fuck Ariana, how can you just let Scooter boss you around like this?" Y/N was walking back and forth my living room as I was sitting on the couch, wiping away the tears that were freefalling down my cheek.

"I don't know Y/N, okay? I got really scared. You know how much my music and career mean to me." I said in defence, hoping that she would see my side of the story. I was being delusional though.

"I can't believe you let him decide of your career like that. I can't believe you also led me to believe that everything was fine in that meeting with him and kept this from me a whole week." She threw her hands in the air in disbelief.

"I didn't want to ruin the end of your tour." I nearly whispered, unable to talk loud from my voice almost breaking.

"But you didn't say anything and ended up ruining our relationship instead." She dropped to the couch, most likely fed up with pacing back and forth.

Those last words really hit hard and I broke down sobbing. I was just so stupid agreeing with Scooter. Worst thing is that I hadn't even checked with Y/N before agreeing.

I couldn't possibly face her with this kind of news. I know she would have said no and I would have probably listened and that would have been the end of my career.

"I wish you would have told me before agreeing to this. It's our relationship that's going to be put on full blast now. I don't even know what Scooter was thinking because logically, this stunt would make you look like a cheater and your reputation is going to be of that, a cheater."

I cried even more. She was right. I haven't even stopped to think about the logic of Scooter's plan.

"I – I don-don't know what-to-to do." My voice was breaking and so was heart. I hated myself for putting Y/N through this.

"Look, you signed the papers. This is happening whether you want it or not. Whether we want it or not." She sighed and placed her head in her hands. She rubbed her face before looking up at me. "If I'm going to be a part of this I want to lay out some rules okay? I also want Pete to respect them, and as much as I strongly dislike him, I want him to be there when I lay out my rules so he can hear them too. Got it?"

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