Ch. 8

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So I eventually told Keys that he had to go home because my dad would not want him staying here. He understood and left.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen. I don't smell any food cooking nor do I see either of my parents. I do hear heels pacing the floor so I follow the sound. I see my Aunt Icarus pacing back and forth with a board of what looks like suspects. "Hey Aunt Icarus, are you ok?", I ask.

"No, your parents went grocery shopping last night and they never returned. I called your school saying your mom won't be in today, but they said someone had already called saying the same thing.", Aunt Icarus says. "Shit.", I say. I text Keys and Niyla telling them to come over. I then go to my parents room and touch some of their most prized possessions to see if a message was sent. Nothing. I even hug myself. Still nothing. I go back to Aunt Icarus.

"Did you tell the Council?", I ask. "Yes and they yanked their powers. Your parents are now defenseless.", Aunt Icarus says panicking. "What the fuck!", I yell. There is then a knock on the door. I open the door to see Niyla, Keys, and Demi. "What happened?", Niyla asks. "My parents went grocery shopping and never returned. Aunt Icarus alerted the Council and they snatched their powers. Now my parents are missing and they are now defenseless.", I say panicking.

"Yea this time heads are gonna fucking roll. Let's go.", Demi says. It takes us all by surprise. "What are you gonna do? You are nothing, but a moral yourself.", Keys says. "Actually I'm more powerful than both of you two. Pallas is the only one more powerful than me.", Demi says. "What are you babe?", Niyla asks. "A demon of good intentions.", Demi says.

"No one cares what this girl is, although it was a fucking sick introduction. My sister and brother-in-law are missing and the Council isn't doing shit about it.", Aunt Icarus says. "Let's go.", I say. I transport us to the Council and once there I am ready to knock some heads loose. These people that we look up to are sitting around a big buffet style meal laughing and giggling.

"Hey!", I yell. They all look at me. "It is our dear Chosen One.", one person says. "Cut the shit. My aunt alerted you guys fucking panicking about my parents not returning home and you yanked their fucking powers away?", I say. "It's in the rule book. We don't know who kidnapped them so we have to assume it was a mortal and yank their powers away so there is not an unfair advantage.", another person says. "Bullshit. That rule is only in place when there isn't impending doom to all supernaturals. You lazy fucks just wanted to sit around and eat instead of doing your fucking jobs.", Demi says.

"Demetria. To what do we owe this pleasant visit?", one person says sarcastically. "You know what the fuck I'm here for, Bianca.", Demi says. "How do you know their names?", I ask. "Unfortunately I have to call these lazy fucktards my older sisters.", Demi says. "I'm dating one of the members of the Council?", Niyla asks. "Unfortunately I won't be a member of the Council until they all step down and Pallas takes her rightful place as head of the Council. At that point Vallyk and I will be members of the Council along with him also being the Head of the Order.", Demi says. "That day will never come because Pallas needs us.", another person says.

"Lucia fuck you. When have you ever done anything to help anyone? Actually when have any of you done anything to help anyone?", Demi says. "More than you have. You couldn't even help your friend that went missing.", someone else says. Demi's eyes turn fiery and she begins floating. "Because you lazy fuckbaskets turned Jonah's family away in their time of need. Oh yea these bastards are the reason why humanity as a whole is in danger right now. Jonah's family, who are all mortal, came to my dear sisters asking what they should do because Jonah and his triplet brothers, Jacob and Jonas, were born the antigod, an evil archangel, and a demon of bad intentions respectively. Of course my sisters, not fucking knowing what to do, turned them away. Our parents then told them of how their negligence will lead to the end of humanity if a god wasn't born in a timely manner. So the one good thing they did was send you to your parents and told them to raise you as a witch.", Demi says.

"Enough. Demetria you have said too much.", one of the girls says. "Oh fuck you Elena. Actually fuck you Bianca, Lucia, and Sienna. The girl deserves to know. Why would an archangel be assigned to a fucking witch?", Demi says. "You mean to fucking tell me that my entire life I have been told I was a witch, raised as a witch, and identify as a witch when in actuality I'm a god?", I ask. "All because of my sister's overall negligence and gross incompetence.", Demi says.

"In all fairness we never thought that it would be revealed to you.", Lucia says. "No you don't get to play the role of innocence. My husband and son fucking melted in my arms. My niece's bestfriend was murdered. These were innocent lives taken in the crossfire of a war y'all created.", Aunt Icarus says. "Let's go.", I say. I transport all of us back to my house.

"Demi, Keys my room now.", I say. We all go to my room. I start pacing back and forth. "Pallas chill out.", Keys says. "No no no. First Tiye and now possibly my parents. I understand Jonah's anger at the Council. Shit I'm fucking heated.", I say. "Yea we know. Your hair is kinda standing up and on fire.", Demi says. I chill out enough to where my hair isn't about to set my room on fire. "So what do we do?", Keys asks. "We kill those sons of bitches and avenge Tiye's death.", I say.

"I'm all for a little revenge plot, but they still have your parents, who don't stand a chance against them because they are now defenseless.", Demi says. "Ok so we get my parents back, kill those sons of bitches, and avenge Tiye's death.", I say.

"With help from us.", Aunt Icarus says. "Yea the more the merrier bitches.", Niyla says. "Let's do this thing.", I say. "Yea.", they all shout. We're coming for you Jonah, Jacob, and Jonas. Watch your ass.

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