Ch. 11

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We've been home for like three months and nothing has sprung up so we have been able to adjust back to what we call normal. I haven't seen Tiye since that day we went to the Council and although I understand she now has other stuff she has to do I wish she could come back to school with us.

Tonight Keys is taking me out on a date. Demi and Niyla are here helping me get ready. Well Demi is helping and Niyla is just here.

"Why won't you wear makeup again?", Demi asks. "I just don't wanna wipe it off at the end of the night.", I say. "I'm sure Keys would wipe it off for you.", Niyla says. "Yea he would, but I just won't wear any to save us both the trouble.", I say. "Well you look beautiful mamas and Keys is very lucky to have you.", Niyla says. "Thank you.", I say.

"Pallas, Vallyk is here.", my dad yells. I leave my room and walk downstairs. "Wow.", Keys says and I smile. "Aw you guys are so cute. Let me get a picture before you leave.", my mom says. Keys and I pose for the picture and then we leave.

"So where are we going?", I ask. "It's a surprise.", Keys says. "I don't like surprises.", I say. "I promise you will like this one.", Keys says. "Ok. Have you heard anything about where Tiye is now?", I say. "Last I heard she was fighting crime in the Middle East.", Keys says. "Wait really?", I ask. "No. I promise you that Tiye will come back to us when the time is right.", Keys says.

"What if she doesn't? What if she forgets?", I ask. "She has not forgotten about us she is just doing her job. Would you like to speed this up and have to only worry about the fate of the entire world?", Keys says. "No, I just really miss her.", I say. "I know and I do too. She was like the sister I never had.", Keys says.

Keys knew Tiye longer than I did. I think their parents went to school together. When I became friends with Tiye she introduced me to Keys. We all then became bestfriends. We met Niyla in like 2nd grade and we all clicked almost immediately.

Tears start to well up in my eyes as I think of all the memories we all have shared. Birthday parties, games, movie nights, dances, and so many more. Keys looks over and starts rubbing my thigh.

"Look at the poor little 'Chosen One'.", Jonah says. "You and your sorry friends are defenseless against my brothers and I.", Jonas says. "We will make them pay for how they treated our family. We will make everyone pay.", Jacob says. Then the three of them burst out into loud, maniacal laughter.

I come back to reality just as Keys stops the car. "Babe are you ok?", Keys asks turning towards me. "Yea I think so.", I say rubbing my head. "Do you wanna go home?", Keys asks. "No no. I'm fine I swear.", I say then smile. "Ok well we are here.", Keys says. I turn around to see where we are.

"Sonder Pointe.", I say excitedly. This is my favorite place in the whole world. You can see our whole city from up here. "Come back here.", Keys says from the backseat. I climb over and sit back there with him. I then see that he has a whole picnic basket with him. "So we've got strawberries, pineapples, grapes, and your favorite drink in the entire world.", Keys says. "You didn't?", I say in disbelief. "Oh but I did.", Keys says and pulls it out. It's this like green vegan juice that they only sale at this health store that is 45 minutes away. "You are the best boyfriend ever.", I say and hug him.

"Tick tock, your time is almost out.", Jonah says. "You know it's not threatening when it sounds like a nursery rhyme.", I say. "Whatever.", Jonah says.

"Earth to Pallas.", Keys says. "Oh sorry.", I say and then start to rub my head again. God they are really trying to ruin my date. "Are you sure you're ok?", Keys asks. "Yea I'm just a bit hungry.", I say. I grab the pineapples and start to eat them. I look over and Keys is staring at me. "What?", I ask with my mouth full of pineapples. "Nothing. You are just the most beautiful person in the entire world.", Keys says. I grin and Keys kisses my cheek. I wait for the next vision to start while Keys gives me a weird look, but nothing happens. Finally they are done.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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