Ch. 10

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So Tiye healed my parents with her magical angel abilities. To be completely honest I don't have the slightest idea of what she did, but hey my parents are alive so I'm happy. Niyla and my dad went home because Niyla felt like our arguments would only get worse and my dad said my mom and Aunt Icarus needed to be able to get along without him being here to intervene.

"So what's the plan?", I ask. "Well first we need to take your mother to the Council so they can reinstate her witch powers then we can start tracking the boys every move.", Tiye says. "Oh great I get to see my lovely sisters. Hooray!", Demi says sarcastically. "Her sisters?", my mom asks. "The heads of the Council.", I say. "Let's just get this shit over with. Pallas will you do the thingy?", Demi says.

I transport us all to the Council. "Hey head dipshits, reinstate her whatever the fuck it is so we can get the fuck out of here.", Demi says. "Demi why don't we take a little walk.", Tiye says and they walk away. They all walk over to us. "We are so sorry.", Bianca says. "No you're not. Just do what you need to do so we can leave.", I say. "Yea we're gonna uh yea.", Keys says then drags me out of there.

"Her too?", Tiye asks. "Yes.", Keys says. "They didn't even bother to help us. Why should we be nice to them?", I say. "I don't care what anyone says I will never be nice to them.", Demi says. "Now I expected this from you, but Pallas you were always the nice one. Everyone loves you. What changed?", Tiye asks. "This bullshit that is my life. 12 hours ago I thought you were dead and my parents were practically goners too. Niyla was blaming me for feeling terrible and I had been lied to about my entire existence.", I say.

Tiye comes over and hugs me. I cry into her shoulder. "I just want everything to be normal. I want all of this shit to be over with. I just want to be a normal 16 year old girl.", I say. "Well sweetie you can't go back to being a 'normal 16 year old girl' because you were never that. Your entire existence was created to fight these sons of bitches.", Tiye says.

"Thanks to my incompetent sisters.", Demi says. "Demi you gotta let that go. Your sisters have recognized their mistakes and are trying to make everything right. They don't need you pointing out their biggest issues.", Tiye says. "Well they aren't being held accountable.", Demi says. "Yes they are. Your parents hold them accountable for it. Have you ever heard your parents yelling at them?", Tiye says. "Yea. When I was younger I would hear my parents yell at them all the time.", I say. "Well those instances have stuck with them. They have never forgotten that and they would really appreciate if you would stop doing the same.", Tiye says.

"Damn Tiye is what we needed all along.", Keys says. "I've always been the glue that held us together. Now y'all two stay out here", Tiye says. Tiye and Keys go back in. "Do you think that Tiye will try to get with Niyla?", Demi asks. "No. Tiye isn't even that type. She respects people's relationships.", I say. "I wish I would have gotten to know her before she died.", Demi says. "Well she's back now so you can still get to know her.", I say.

"Yea, but it's not the same. I mean it's not like she will be going to school with us anymore. She will be off going on missions. I won't get to like spend time with her. I mean none of us will.", Demi says. "Just use all the time that we have with her right now.", I say. "Ok.", Demi says.

They all walk out. "So where to now?", I ask. "I think that we should go home. Until they strike again what's the point? Also I miss my husband.", my mom says. "Ok.", I say and transport us back home. Tiye then takes Demi and Keys home.

"Gareth?", my mom yells. "Avideh?", my dad yells coming out from their room. My mom runs to hug my dad and he spins them around. "Pallas, come on.", my mom says. I go hug both of my parents. "My favorite girls are back.", my dad says smiling really hard. "Icarus come on.", my mom says. "I'm good. I don't wanna ruin the family moment.", Aunt Icarus says. "You are family what are you talking about?", my mom asks. "Do you really mean that?", Aunt Icarus asks. "Of course. Now get over here.", my mom says and Aunt Icarus joins in our hug.

My parents are ok, I now know my aunt, Tiye is alive, and even though all this bullshit is going on I couldn't be any happier.

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