Meeting The DekuSquad

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Shinso woke up early to get ready. He put on his uniform and made himself a fresh cup of coffee. He noticed that both of his parents had already left for work. Not unexpected, he didn't see them very often as they were out very early and in sometimes past midnight. They worked very long shifts. He grabbed his bag and stumbled out of the front door, the sun almost blinding him from how bright it was compared to his house, always dark and cold. U.A was only a 5 minute walk from his house so he should be able to get there in time. On the way there, he found himself behind a group of people in a U.A uniform. 'Hey, you guys are from U.A right?'
They all turned round to face him. There was a boy with green hair and freckles, another with blue hair and glasses along side two girls. One with short brown hair and rosy cheeks, the other with long, flowy green hair and her tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth. 'Yeah!' Said the green haired boy 'My name is Izuku Midoriya! But you can call me Deku. This is Tenya Iida,Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui!' He nodded 'Hitoshi Shinso.' They all gave him a small wave before beckoning him to join them, he moved next to them. 'So what are you guys' quirks?' Shinso quietly asks.'My quirk is Engine.i have Engines built into the calves of my legs. I am able to run at super high speeds.' Said Iida 'Mine is Zero Gravity, if I touch something I can make it float!' Replied Uraraka. 'Mine's frog, pretty self explanatory. I'm a frog. ' Said Asui .Deku hesitated before speaking 'My quirk dosent really have a name, but it basically gives me super strength. What's yours?' Deku smiled at him. Shinso replies quietly 'Brain wash... If I ask someone a question and they answer it, I can control them until it wares off or they snap themselves out of it..' They all listened carefully ,but Uraraka was the first to respond 'That's an awesome quirk! Very interesting!' Shinso was shocked by her reaction. Seeing as he used to get bullied for having it. 'Well we should hurry and get to school before we're late! You know how Mr Aizawa is when we're late!' They all laugh and walk ahead to school. 

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