The Next Morning

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*Nobody's POV*

Kaminari got up and ready quickly to meet Shinso at the stairs. He saw Shinso and sped up to walk beside him. 'Morning Shinso!' He said in a bright and bubbly way. Shinso smiled at him 'Morning Kami. You can call me Hitoshi by the way.'. Nobody had ever called him Kami before. It was either: Denki, Kaminari, Pikachu or Dunce Face. His face heated up. He noticed Shinso's hand. Just dangling there, swaying as he walked. He wanted to hold it so bad but he knew he couldn't. That would just be really awkward. Shinso noticed Kaminari staring. He grabbed Kaminari's hand and carried on walking as if nothing had just happened. Kaminari's face heated up so much that he almost short-circuited . They made it to class, Kaminari dragged Shinso through the door, the room was empty. They were early, very unusual for Kaminari. They sat in their seats as the room started to fill up.

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