Lunch Break

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The cafeteria started filling with 1st years, then 2nd years, then 3rd years. Shinso noticed Kaminari sitting at a table with Bakugo, Mina, Sero and Kirishima. 'Kami!' He turned around and beckoned Shinso over. He walked over and sat down in the empty seat next to Kaminari. 'Hey Shinso!' Kirishima said. He gave the redhead a little wave. Shinsou noticed he may have joined in the middle of a conversation. 'Soooo, have any of you found your soulmates yet??' Mina asked, staring blankly at all of them as the silence creeped around all of them. 'I have' She pointed at Sero. He blushed a little.
'I have. ' Said Kirishima. Holding up his and Bakugo's intertwined fingers. They all looked at Shinso and Kaminari. Mina shook Kaminari by the shoulders 'C'mon Denki! Spill!' He blushed. 'Alright fine. I have,' He held his head in his hands. Mina looked so excited, the others just smiled. 'OMG whooo! Mina Screeched. Kaminari glanced over at Shinso who gave his thigh a gentle squeeze. 'No way' Mina said, looking shocked. 'Mhm' Shinso replied, tucking into his Onigiri and Yakitori. Kirishima finished his mouthful of Udon.'So, summer break starts tomorrow huh. What are you guys' plans?' Mina and Sero looked at each other. ' I'm going on a road trip to Osaka with Hanta's family.' Mina giggled. ' I'm staying round Kat's' Kirishima said. They all looked at Shinso and Denki. 'How about you two? Aren't you two doing something?' Sero Asked. Denki scratched his head,  'We've only just found out that we're soulmates. We'll probably meet up or go out somewhere.' Just as Denki had finished, Kyoka and Momo walked over. 'Whats up guys?' Kyoka smiled. Denki stood up to face her, 'Haven't seen you for a while? Where have you been? Gigs? Band practice?' Kyoka laughed 'No, No, No. I've been giving music lessons around the school. Momo' s been teaching Keyboard while I've been teaching all sorts!' Shinso smiled. He held out his hand for her to shake.' I don't think we've properly met yet have we? Hitoshi Shinso, nice to meet you.' Kyoka smiled and shook his hand. 'Kyoka Jiro, nice to meet you too.' Momo smiled. 'We've definetly met haven't we? I was one of the first you met.' She said. 'We should be going, 2-B are waiting for us to set up the drums and mics in their class, see ya!' They both ran off in a hurry. The table started to clear and soon it was empty.

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