The Film

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Denki made his way back to his now-boyfriend's room, Popcorn and crisps in one hand, bottles of sprite and coke in the other. With blankets slung over his shoulders and pillows held under his chin. When he got back, Shinso had chosen a horror. Shinso took the pillows and blankets from him while he placed down the snacks and drinks. 'Hey Shinso? I'm not the best with horror so I might jump and squeal a little.' Shinso smiled 'Thats fine by me,Kams.' *time skip* They were part way through the film when Denki fell asleep. Somehow? Both arms wrapped around his boyfriend and head in the crook of his neck. Shinso started to drift asleep as well, he and his boyfriend were so comfortable. Shinso was asleep in seconds. He dreamt about him and Denki, their life after U.A, they were married, had 2 kids, a boy and girl, a dog and lots of cats. He liked it, he wanted it to be reality, but was awoken to the sound of his boyfriend's voice 'Hitoshiii~ wake up you purple haired fluffball.' He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He smiled at Denki, he smiled back. Denki was full of energy as always. He pounced on Shinso, sitting on his lap. 'Were going to the beach! Get up and ready so we can be down there early. I already checked with Mr Aizawa and he said it was fine for us to leave campus anytime we want during summer break!' Shinso shuffled out from underneath his boyfriend and grabbed his swimming shorts and a purple floral shirt. 'You should go back to your dorm to get ready too.' Denki quickly shot up and ran out of the room. Shinso got dressed, packed a bag with towels, suncream, drinks and sunglasses. He met Denki outside and they walked to the beach together, hand in hand.

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