Shinso's Room

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After school had ended that day, some people packed a suitcase and went home to see their families, some stayed in the dorms and some did some cleaning around campus.
Kaminari and Shinso were two of the small group that went back to the dorms.
They both ended up sprawled out, beside each other, on Shinso's bed. Denki was the first to talk, 'So, what do ya wanna do. All the others are staying at each others houses or going away.' Shinso groaned, 'We can't go to mine,my parents are never there and would never allow it. We can't go away either, we can't afford it.' Denki frowned, 'My parents moved away and left me here. As soon as they heard about U.A introducing dorms, they dipped!' He laughed a little. 'They were abusive so I guess it was for the best anyway.' Shinso was speechless, Denki had been abused? Wow, that's hard. He squeezed Denki's hand. 'I'm sorry.' Shinso sat up, Denki did too. He held both of Shinso's hands, 'No need to say sorry. It wasn't you. Its in the past now anyway.' Shinso smiled at him. He smiled back. Denki focused his glare, he was looking into Shinso's violet eyes. 'So I was wondering. Since we're soulmates, does that mean we're-' Shinso cut him off with a gentle kiss. 'Does that answer your question?' Denki hid his bright red face from Shinso. 'Uh, I, Um. I guess?' Shinso gave a slight laugh. 'So, wanna watch a film or something? I've got all sorts.' Denki looked back at him. 'Sure, I've got plenty of snacks, pillows and blankets in my room, I'll go get them. Pick a film while I'm gone.'

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