Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Mitch sat up all night staring out the window, hoping to get a glance of Kevin.

He hadn't realized how late it was until he heard Scott move around from the bedroom.

"Mitch?" He heard Scott call out.

"Living room." Mitch answered, hoping Scott wouldn't be able to tell he had been up all night.

"Morning baby. Why are you up so early?"

Mitch wondered if he should tell Scott what he knew. He was a detective after all, but would he dismiss him again? Tell him how he was being paranoid? Would he believe him if he told him about Kevin? Maybe Scott asked Kevin to keep an eye on the apartment for some reason.

"Couldn't sleep I guess. Scott, was Kevin working last night?"

"No, I gave him and Kirstie the night off. Why?"

"No reason, just curious."

Scott shrugged and kissed Mitch on his head before heading to the bathroom to shower.

Mitch felt his stomach churning. Something wasn't right. Scott wouldn't lie to him. Why was Kevin lying?

Mitch sat there thinking until he heard the water shut off.

"Scott can I go to the station with you today?" He asked opening the bathroom door.

"Uh, sure Mitchie. Any reason why? It will probably be pretty boring."

"Just want to see Kevin and Kirstie. Catch up on my gossip." He lied.

Scott smiled and finished getting dressed as Mitch took a quick shower.

An hour later they were walking hand in hand into the police station.

Kirstie squealed when she saw Mitch and ran towards him, enveloping him into a huge hug.

Scott laughed as he let go of Mitch's hand and walked into his office.

"Hi Kirst, good to see you." Mitch said sincerely. He really loved spending time with this girl.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in so long! I'm so glad you came! Come here and sit down so we can talk!" She said excitedly pulling him towards her desk.

"Good Morning Mitch." Kevin said walking up from behind.

Mitch jumped and turned around.

"Morning Kevin. How'd you sleep last night? Mitch asked suspiciously.

"Slept like a baby. I better get to work. We'll talk soon."

Mitch narrowed his eyes as he watched Kevin walk into Scott's office and shut the door.

"Something wrong Mitch?" Kirstie asked.

"No. Everything is fine. Tell me about your new puppy!" Mitch said trying to change the subject.

He smiled and nodded in the right parts of Kirstie talking as he kept an eye on Kevin and Scott.

"Mitch? Mitch? Did you hear a word I said?" Kirstie asked impatiently.

"Huh? Yeah I heard you. His name is Olaf and he is a husky." Mitch said.

Kirstie huffed and crossed her arms.

"Something is going on Mitch. You look exhausted. Are you sleeping?"

Mitch sighed as he looked into Kirstie's concerned eyes.

"If I tell you something you promise not to mention it to Kevin or Scott?"

"I promise."

"I think Kevin took the picture that was in Scott and my bedroom and put it back when he went in there to check for fingerprints, and I know he was outside our apartment last night. Can you think of any reason why he would do those things?"

Kirstie frowned and looked towards Scott's office.

Mitch saw the doubt in Kirstie's eyes and sighed.

"Please believe me. I promise I'm not crazy."

"Oh, honey I know you aren't crazy. I'm sure there is an explanation for all this. Maybe you should tell Scott. He could help or maybe he knows what's going on."

"I can't. I mentioned the picture to him and he pretty much blew me off. I don't want him looking at me like I'm damaged and crazy. Can you just keep an eye out around here to see if they are acting weird?"

"Of course honey, but I think you really need to talk to Scott."

"I will if something else weird comes up. Thank Kirst."

"You're welcome."

They talked for a few more minutes until Scott's door opened and Kevin walked out throwing a smile to Mitch as he walked by.

"Hey Kirstie can I talk to you in my office for a second?" Scott asked.

Kirstie gave Mitch a reassuring smile and walked into the office, Scott shutting the door behind her.

Mitch waited for awhile before making his way to a few vending machines that was down near the lobby.

He couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following him but everytime he turned around no one was there.

He paid for his chips and soft drink before heading back to Kirstie's desk. Once he got there he stopped just out of ear shot as he saw Kevin, Kirstie and Scott huddled near Scott's office.

He crept closer, hoping to hear their conversation.

"And remember, not a word of this to Mitch." He heard Scott say.

"He knows something is going on Scott. He is on to you Kevin. He knows you were outside their apartment last night." Kirstie said looking at Kevin.

"Was he the one calling me?" He asked shaking his head.

"Yep. You need to be more discreet next time."

Mitch didn't want to hear anymore. He turned around and walked back towards the lobby and out of the building.

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