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Thank you all so much for reading and commenting on the Rush books. I appreciate all of you! I have more stories coming soon, so please follow me if you haven't already! Stay safe everyone!

"Are you ready?" Kirstie asked as she eyed Mitch up and down.

The younger man was a bit pale and unsteady on his feet.

"Yeah, I think so. I'm okay." Mitch whispered, not trusting himself to speak much louder.

Since Scott had proposed 6 months ago, Mitch and Kirstie had thrown themselves into wedding preparations. Mitch asked her immediately to be his maid of honor, and Scott had asked Kevin to be his best man.

Mitch's job at Mary Taylor Designs had taken off quickly. He was now more than just an assistant. He had input in the designs after  Mary seeing some sketches that he had been messing around with one day. Lately Mary had been hinting around that she might make Mitch her partner in the company. She had even insisted on designing the outfits for the wedding.

Scott had been dressed in the classic black tuxedo. Kevin also had a black tux, but the difference was where Scott had a bowtie, Kevin had a regular tie. Kirstie was dressed in a maroon strapless that hugged her curves in all the right places.

There had been discussion on what Mitch should wear, and in the end it was decided that he would wear a white tuxedo with a black bowtie.

Kirstie had decided that it would be gorgeous to get married on the beach. Mitch loved the idea and since Scott loved Mitch, the beach was where the wedding was going to be.

As the wedding grew closer and closer the more nervous Mitch became, and now on the day of the wedding, Mitch had basically stopped speaking and looked more like a robot than a groom.

"Are you having cold feet?" Kirstie asked worrying.

Mitch shook his head no and Kirstie relaxed.

"Take a deep breath, Mitch. It's just Scott. You love him and he loves you. Everyone has pre-wedding jitters. Just focus on Scott, and everything else will go away." She said.

"Focus on Scott. Focus on Scott." He repeated to himself.

"It's almost time honey. After I walk out, count to ten and then follow. Remember to breathe, Mitch. Focus on Scott." She repeated.

"I got it. I'm okay." He said a little shakily, but Kirstie was glad to see his color was a little better.

Mitch watched Kirstie walk out as music began playing. He forced himself to breathe and counted to ten as Kirstie instructed.

Just as he reached 10, the music changed, and he knew it was his cue to go.

He took a shaky step, and then another, forcing himself to keep going until he saw Scott.

He almost stopped in his tracks when he saw the older man at the alter waiting, looking handsome in his black tux, a smile on his face. Suddenly it was almost as if he couldn't get to the alter fast enough. Kirstie was right, everything around him disappeared and it was just he and Scott.

Scott reached his hand out to Mitch and he took it, allowing Scott to lead him the last few steps.

"You look beautiful." Scott whispered, before the minister started speaking.

Mitch winked at him and turned his attention to the preacher.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Scott and Mitch."

Mitch tuned the rest out, not being able to take his eyes off his soon to be husband.

"Mitch do you take Scott to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer in good times and bad as long as you both shall live?" The preacher asked.

"I do." Mitch said, his voice strong and clear.

"Scott, do you take Mitch to be your husband, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer in good times and bad as long as you both shall live?" He asked, turning to Scott.

"I do." Scott said smiling, with no hesitation.

"Then by the power given to me by the state of California, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom."

Scott pulled Mitch close to him and pressed their lips together for what seemed like hours, causing the wedding guests to hoot and yell.

When Mitch broke away he was breathless and a little lightheaded. He allowed Scott to steer him down the aisle and pass the guests.

Kevin and some of the officers at the department had managed to rope off a large part of the beach for the reception, and the guests were heading there as the wedding party had pictures taken.

"Are you ever going to tell me where we are going on our honeymoon?" Mitch asked Scott.

Scott smiled and shook his head.

"Nope, it's a surprise."

Mitch huffed and gave Scott his best puppy eyes.

"Don't give me that look, it's not going to work." He said laughing.

After a few more minutes of Mitch's puppy eyes, Scott relented and held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, you win. We're going to Iceland. I know you've always wanted to go there."

"Mitch squealed in delight and wrapped his arms around his husband as the photographer quickly snapped shots, trying to capture the moment.


The reception went quickly and before they knew it, Scott was ushering Mitch into a car and towards the airport.

"Kirstie packed you a bag, it's in the trunk." Scott said to a confused Mitch.

"Thank you...husband." Mitch said giggling.

"You're welcome husband." Scott said causing Mitch to giggle again.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, Mitch. I love you more than anything in my life." Scott said.

"I love you Scott. You're the love of my life. I'm so glad I found you."

Scott smiled and grabbed Mitch's hand and kissed it.

"We have forever." Scott said.

"Forever." Mitch agreed.

-The End

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