Chapter 20

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"You've done so well, Mitch. You've pretty much gotten all your strength back since the shooting. I think I can safely say that this can be your last visit." The physical therapist said.

"Really? I'm done?" Mitch asked, his smile lighting up the entire room.

"Yep. Unless of course you still want to come." He said smirking.

"No! I mean thanks for all your help Mike, but if you say I'm done, I'm done." Mitch said.

Mike laughed and showed Mitch back towards the waiting area where Scott had been waiting.

The older man had slowly gotten back into his job, only working a few days a week, and slowly progressing into more as Mitch regained his strength.

"Hey, Scotty, guess what?" Mitch said as he walked over to his lover, who was typing something on his laptop.

Scott shut the computer off, ready to give the love of his life his attention.

"What Mitchie?"

"Mike said I don't have to come back anymore. I'm all done."

Scott looked at Mitch then over to Mike in disbelief.

"Really? You're sure? He's ready?" Scott asked Mike.

"It's been 12 weeks and Mitch has been working very hard. He's back to where he was before he got shot. There are some exercises he can do at home if he feels like he needs them, but overall, I feel comfortable enough to discharge him from physical therapy."

Scott turned to Mitch and picked him up spinning the younger man around.

"Let's go out tonight and celebrate. We'll invite Kevin and Kirstie. We haven't all been out in forever." Scott said smiling.

"Sounds good to me. Thanks so much Mike, for everything." Mitch said shaking his physical therapist's hand.

"My pleasure. Good luck to you."


Later that evening, Mitch, Scott, Kirstie and Kevin were celebrating at a local Italian restaurant.

"I'm so proud of you Mitch. You've come so far." Kirstie said hugging her friend.

"Thanks Kirstie, it's been rough but I was determined." He said.

"I guess you are going to back to work full time now Scott?" Kevin asked.

To be honest Scott hadn't even thought about it. He loved being able to spend more time with Mitch, and it was obviously no secret that his work was dangerous. He couldn't imagine being in the situation he was in last time. Mitch would be devastated if something were to happen to him.

"I don't know Kevin, I haven't given it much thought. I guess its something Mitch and I need to discuss." He answered.

Mitch frowned. He assumed that Scott would be more than ready to dive back in full time. Before they met Kirstie had told him that Scott was a workaholic. Rarely went home, preferring to spend most of time at the office working. He knew that Scott has taken this leave because of him, and he didn't want the older man to be unhappy stuck at home with him, besides now that he was able, he wanted to find a job doing something he loved. He just didn't know what yet.

Mitch pushed it to the back of his mind, wanting not to dampen the mood of the night.


Later at night he and Scott were snuggled on the couch watching a movie when Mitch turned to Scott.

"So, about what Kevin said at dinner. Are you going to go back to full time now?" He asked, trying to gauge what Scott wanted.

Scott paused the movie and sighed. He had been thinking and about it since Kevin brought it up.

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