Chapter 6

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Mitch knew he had to find somewhere to stay, and not having much money he had to settle for a rather dingy motel room in the wrong part of town.

It was late by the time he checked in and got a room. He briefly wondered what Scott was doing right now but shook those thoughts from his mind.

Scott wasn't his anymore.

The next morning he took a quick shower and grabbed a cheap breakfast before heading out to find work. He only had enough money for a week at the motel and he was determined not to return without a job.

After searching all day he had no more leads than he did when he started. He tried to remain optimistic as he headed back to his room.

"Hey kid, you looking for work?" The owner of the shady motel asked as soon as he saw Mitch.

Mitch didn't like the way the man eyed him up and down, but he was desperate.

"Yeah I am. Do you know someone who is hiring?"

"Friend of mine. He's a photographer for a modeling agency. Always lookin for new faces. I bet he'd like yours." The man said licking his lips.

Mitch seriously doubted the man knew anyone that was an upstanding citizen and politely declined.

"No thanks. I'm not a model. If you know of anything else, please let me know."

The owner of the motel frowned as Mitch declined.

"He pays cash. Under the table." He offered again.

Mitch hesitated. He didn't exactly trust the guy, but he needed cash. He could at least pose for a few pictures until he found something else.

"How much?" Mitch asked.

"Depends. The more clothes that come off, the more he pays." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Mitch sighed and was about to respond when he heard Scott's voice in his head.

"Don't do it Mitch. Something isn't right."

"Okay. I guess you have a deal. Where can I find him?" Mitch asked, ignoring the warning voice in his head.

"I'll tell'em about you. He'll stop by I'm sure."

Mitch nodded and made his way upstairs, unaware of the owner watching his every move. As soon as he was out of ear shot, the owner picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hey Mark, it's Russ, I have another one for you. Young kid. Maybe 22-23. Blonde hair, pretty face, nice body. I told'em you were a photographer for some modeling place. He's waiting on you. Room 218."


As soon as Scott's plane landed in New York, he immediately headed to the local police station to have them help flash Mitch's picture around.

Once that was done, he got a hotel room and called Kirstie.

"I have the local cops on alert for him Kirst. I'm going to get some rest then start looking around early tomorrow." He said.

"Where are you going to look?" She asked.

"Well he doesn't have much money, so I'm guessing he got a motel room somewhere until he can find work."

"I'm still tracking his cell. Nothing has come up and he's made no credit card or bank transactions since he's been there."

"Doesn't surprise me. He knows we would be watching for that."

"I'll keep watching and hope he slips up. Scott, do you need Kevin and I to fly out there? The more people looking the better chance we have." She said.

"Yeah, you're right. That's a good idea. Catch a flight out early in the morning. Let me know the flight info and we will regroup when I see you."

"Sure thing Scott. See you tomorrow."

Scott hung up and took a long hot shower. He felt a little better knowing that Kirstie and Kevin were on their way. They were trained detectives, they could find Mitch, and he would get to explain.


Mitch jumped up when a knock on his door scared him. He looked out the small peephole to see a man he didn't recognize.

"Can I help you?" He asked before opening the door.

"Hi, my name is Mark Knox and I was told you were interested in working for me? I am a photographer."

Mitch cautiously opened the door and stepped back.

"Yeah, I'm Mitch. So, uh Russ, the owner of the motel said you pay a lot for nude photos? I'm not really comfortable with being naked. What do you pay for just a regular photo?"

"Can I come in? We can discuss this better in there than the hallway."

Mitch nodded and stepped to the side, ignoring his gut feeling that this was not a smart move on his part.

"Okay Mitch. I pay $50 for regular shots and up to $500 for nudes."

"Do you work for a magazine or something?" He asked.

"No, not a magazine. I have a very specific based clientele." Mark said smiling.

"So, like is this for porn?"

"In a way I guess, but it's not put on the internet or tv or anything. Are you in?"

Mitch bit his lip as he thought it over. He really needed the money and it was only for a few weeks until he found something else.

"Sure, I guess. What do I have to do?"

"Let's take a ride to my studio and we'll go from there."

Mitch nodded hesitantly.

"Just let me get a quick shower if that's okay."

"Sure, no problem. I'm just going to make a few phone calls."

Mitch felt disgusted with himself. While he was in the shower he had a change of heart and decided against it. He would find another job. Besides this guy gave him the creeps.

He got dressed and opened the bathroom door.

"Hey listen Mark. I've been thinking and I-"

Mitch was suddenly grabbed from behind and struggled as a chloroform soaked rag was held over his nose and mouth. He went limp within seconds.

Mark smiled and picked up Mitch's limp body and headed downstairs.

"Told ya he had a hot body didn't I." Russ said as he saw Mark carrying Mitch's limp body.

"Yeah, he'll do nicely. Should get a nice price for him. Let me know if you get any others."

Russ nodded and watched as Mitch was dumped into the trunk of the awaiting vehicle and sped off into the darkness.

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