Chapter 10

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The door opened and Mitch shrank in on himself as much as his bonds would let him.

"He looks absolutely delicious." The man said, licking his lips.

He walked closer and knelt down near Mitch's head and began stroking his hair.

"Yes, you'll do just fine. You're so beautiful. I'm going to have a lot of fun breaking you in."

Mitch could feel it coming, his mind had taken all it could handle and he retreated in on himself. He was now with Scott in his happy place.

"I assume you know how to package him up for traveling?" He asked the guard.

"Yeah, I've seen Mr. Knox do it plenty of times. I still think I should give him a call, just to be sure."

"Very well. If you must, but please hurry. My jet is leaving in 30 minutes."

The guard nodded and rushed out, grabbing his cell phone and dialing Russ.

"Mr. Knox, this is Steve, there's a guy here with a lot of money. Says he's here to buy the blonde kid from you. He wants him packaged up and ready to go now."

"How much money? Mark asked.

"Says he's got a million."

"Let me call you back, stall him. I'm on the way."


Mark hung up and looked over at Scott, who was driving.

"We seem to have an issue. I have a buyer ready and waiting at the warehouse to purchase the blonde. He's offering 1 million dollars if he can have him right now. I'm willing to split that with you 60/40. 60 for me of course. I understand this may leave you in a bind, so to make up for it, you can keep the 6 you were offering me earlier." Mark said.

Before Scott could open his mouth and blow it, Kirstie spoke up, continuing the charade from earlier.

"I don't think so, Mark. We want the blonde and we had a deal. I can spice it up for you to make it better if you'd like." She said arrogantly.

"What did you have in mind sweet cheeks?"

"You give us the blonde, and in addition to the 6 we already agreed on, we will split with you the first 6 months of sales. I guarantee you it's well over 1 million dollars."

"Interesting. This blonde is obviously worth a lot to you. We have a deal. Let me call my guard back."

Mark smiled as he fished his cell phone back out of his pocket.

"Steve, it's a no-go. He is not to be sold. I have other plans for him."

Mark hung up and began figuring up numbers in his head when Scott spoke.

"How much further?"

"About 15 minutes. Don't worry, you'll have him soon enough.


"Sorry man, Mr. Knox said he is no longer for sale." Steve, the guard, announced as he re-entered Mitch's room.

"That's impossible. I'm sure he would accept my offer. Now, if you would please be so kind as to help me with him, I'll give you an incentive in the form of several thousand dollars."

Steve shrugged and nodded.

"Works for me. The chloroform is in the bathroom cabinet. I'll get his cage."

The man smiled as he quickly retrieved the chloroform from the cabinet and ran back to Mitch, soaking the rag in the substance and held it over Mitch's nose and mouth.

Mitch never struggled, still lost in his happy place with Scott. After a few seconds his eyes slowly closed.

The man untied Mitch's hands from the headboard and pulled out handcuffs to re-cuff them behind his back, followed by his legs. He left the tape over his mouth as he rolled him in the sheet off the bed. He slipped a blindfold over his eyes next and Steve came back in the room with a large cage.

"Perfect size for him. Help me load him in it, and then into my SUV."

The two picked Mitch up and gingerly placed him in the cage before locking it shut, then carrying it to the awaiting SUV.

"I do not require your assistance from here. Here is the briefcase containing the money, and a little extra for you." He said handing Steve the briefcase and an envelope. "Give my regards to Mr. Knox."

Steve watched the SUV drive off and returned to the warehouse as Mark, Scott, Kevin and Kirstie pulled up.

"Okay, where is he?" Scott asked, growing more and more impatient.

"Mr. Knox. I have your money here, The million dollars. That guy wouldn't take no for an answer. I didn't think you would mind too much." Steve said, handing Mark the briefcase.

"Ah, well, sorry friends. It seems your young blonde friend is gone after all. Come inside and we can discuss other arrangements." He said.

Scott lost it then, he grabbed his gun and pointed it at Mark, causing Steve to draw his own weapon.

"Tell me right now who bought him, what they were driving and where they were heading, or your boss here is going to have another hole in him."

Mark nodded to Steve and the guard lowered his weapon.

"I don't know his name, he never said. He was in a black SUV, one of those real big ones like an escalade I think. Heading for the airport. Guy said he had a jet leaving soon."

Scott shot a panicked expression to Kirstie and Kevin and they all ran to the car and quickly headed to the airport.

"Kevin call the local cops and tell them about Russ, Mark and their little operation they have going on. Have them send units to the private terminals at the airport."

"On it." Kevin said quickly pulling out his phone.

"Kirstie.."Scott said, his voice cracking.

"I know Scott. We'll get to him in time." She said, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder.

They knew if they didn't reach the terminal in time, the chances of them ever seeing Mitch again would be slim.

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