Chapter 13

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They landed in L.A and Mitch took a deep breath. He knew his and Scott's relationship was on thin ice, but he had never been so happy to be home with the older man.

"Mitch, for the foreseeable future, you are going to have one of us with you at all times. I don't really think that Henry Thomas would try to take you, not with everything that's happened. He will be trying to stay under the radar, but I don't want to take any chances." Scott said as soon as they walked into their apartment.

Mitch opened his mouth to protest, but thought better of it and snapped it shut, nodding instead.

"I've missed enough work, so I tomorrow morning I have to go in. I've already talked to Kirstie and she will be here."

Mitch, sensing Scott was mad, nodded again. He didn't want to push the older man anymore than necessary. He knew that Scott forgave him, but Mitch felt guilty at how much pain he had caused the older man.

"Scott, I really am sorry." Mitch said, hoping Scott could at least look at him without frowning.

Scott sighed loudly and turned away from Mitch.

"I really don't want to talk about this right now, Mitch. I forgave you. Let's just move on. I'm going to order a pizza, what kind do you want?"

"Whatever you get is fine." Mitch whispered as he made his way into the bedroom. He had luckily managed to get his clothes back from the motel owner, Russ, and he began unpacking his things.

He sat down on the bed and looked at the picture on the nightstand, the one that started everything. They looked so happy and in love there, could they get that back?

Mitch wiped a few stray tears away and continued putting his things away.

The next morning Scott woke early and showered before Mitch woke. He knew Kirstie would be there any minute and to be honest, he was glad to be back to work.

A small knock on the door sent him to the living room and he opened it to a smiling Kirstie.

"Morning, I brought coffee." She said handing him Starbucks.

"I love you." Scott said taking it from her and inhaling the sweet scent.

"Is Mitch up yet?"

"No and I need to go. Thanks for staying with him. Call me if you need me." He said before grabbing his gun, badge and heading out the door.

Kirstie shook her head and sat down in the living room, waiting for Mitch to awaken.


Scott walked into his office and sat down. It had felt like forever since he had been here. He sat quietly before Kevin knocked in the door.

"Scott, I'm glad you made it in. We need to talk." Kevin said, rushing in and closing the door.

"What's up? New case?"

"Yes and No. The Denver police called the chief early this morning and evidently Henry Thomas has disappeared. His closest associates aren't talking. No one really knows where he is."

"You think he is here? In L.A? Did he have any idea Mitch lives here?"

"I can't be for certain. I don't see how he would know, but we have some informants keeping an eye and ear out for any news regarding his whereabouts."

"Unbelievable. How the hell does Mitch draw so much danger to him?" Scott said angrily.

"It's not his fault Scott. He didn't ask for any of this." Kevin reasoned.

"No nothing is ever his fault is it. I try and propose and he runs away and gets caught in a sex trafficking ring and somehow it's my fault he ran away."

"I didn't say that, Scott. I think you and Mitch need to have another talk. I thought you forgave him, moving on."

Scott stood up and ran his hands through his hair.

"I did, I have. I do forgive him, its just....I don't know Kevin. He hurt me, and I feel like everyone thinks him almost getting killed, again, is my fault."

"No one thinks that Scott. The chief wants a debriefing about New York in his office. Let's go." Kevin said motioning Scott to follow him.


"Good morning, honey. How'd you sleep?" Kirstie asked as soon as she saw Mitch.

"Okay, I guess. Did Scott already leave?"

"Yeah he did. About an hour ago."

Mitch nodded sadly and went to take a shower.

"I got you a coffee, its cold now, but I'll microwave it for you. We should talk."

Mitch got dressed and took the now warm coffee from Kirstie and sat down.

"Did Scott say anything before he left?" Mitch asked hopeful.

"No, honey he didn't. He was in a hurry to get to the office. Is he still upset?"

"I think so. He will barely even look at me. He said he forgave me Kirstie, but I don't think he means it. I feel like I'm losing him. I don't want to lose him Kirstie. I love him."

"I know you do, Mitch. I think he just needs some time to cope with everything that's happened. You scared him so bad. I know it was all a misunderstanding, and I'm not blaming you for anything, but Scott was really shaken up. He needs time to bounce back."

"I guess so."

"I know so. Now cheer up sweetie, let's watch a movie."


After debriefing the chief on what happened in New York, Scott went back to his office focused on work.

He really needed to find Henry Thomas, the sooner the better.

After a long day, Scott was gearing up to head home when Kevin came running into his office.

"Scott, one of our informants is down in interrogation 2. He says Henry Thomas is in L.A"

Scott dropped the paperwork he had in his hand and followed Kevin down to the interrogation room.

He opened the door and sat down.

"Tell me what you know, now." Scott said angrily.

"The circle I roll with is talkin about some big player that came to town. Said he was lookin for some young hot bodies. Said he only likes'em blonde and skinny. He keeps turnin' away everybody getting sent to him. Heard through the chatter that his name is Thomas. He lookin for someone specifically."

"He say who he was lookin for?"

"Nah, not a name, but a description. Said he was blonde, skinny, and was named Mitch. Offering 250 grand to anyone who can get him for him. That your guy?"

"Where is Thomas hiding out?"

"Don't know. I aint heard no address. He shows up, looks at the offering and leaves."

"Whose he got with him? Anybody? Come alone?"

"Sometimes he has two big guys with him other time's he's alone. How much am I getting for this info? It was good stuff."

"Give me the address on where this jerk comes to look at the offering." Scott demanded.

"347 Penwood Court. Behind that old bowling alley."

"When is he due again?"

"Thursday night. Around 10:00"

Scott glanced at his watch. Three days from now. He wrote down the information and immediately left the room, leaving the informant yelling for payment.

"He's after Mitch. Thursday this guy is going down. One way or another." Scott said to Kevin.

"You aren't doing this alone. Kirstie and I will be there, as well as more back up."

Scott nodded and made his way out the door. 

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