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Notification bell caught my attention as slid my phone out of my pocket, unlocked it, "Um... hey! long time no see, it's me".

I stood motionless while checking the sender's name. A shriek in disgust escaped my lips and suddenly collapsed into a tight bind trying its best not to open the old graves of my memories as I slid my phone inside my pocket. The silent shiver of my lower lips disfiguring into a weird shape, struggling to maintain the perfect equilibrium of my expression. I released the storm of feeling that erupted inside of me with a long deep exhale as I walked into my class.

We had maths in our first period. I entered the classroom and took my seat on the farthest corner window seat from where I felt invisible or so I thought I might be.

Our teacher Ms. Smith already arrived, I don't remember what she said or what she taught, I fixed my gaze outside the window sill drowning over my thoughts meticulously calculating every equation possible, and logically thinking of every explanation of receiving the text.

Nearly an hour passed by and I still couldn't find any conclusion. I wish I had the self-control, to begin with. Really? I frowned upon myself in the hope to receive another text answering the questions bubbling in my head.

Telepathy is not a thing I dismissed.

"Thank you, class, We'll see each other soon, complete assignments by then". that is all I can comprehend from the entire lecture. I trudged through the narrow aisle of benches, outside the classroom.

''I wasn't feeling all that great'' I realized.

I made my way towards the school gymnasium which was usually empty during the first half of our daily classes. I sat on the empty bench of the basketball court wondering if I should reply to the text or not.

"It's been 4 years after all," I reflected. "I knew she wasn't dead even when everyone said she was". I pulled out my phone to see for any new notification. No nothing, as always. she never texted more than needed. Even after everything has happened. No explanation.

There will never be an explanation.


I opened my diary app, I need to vent it out. I started to scroll down to check the entry I maintained for the past 4 years.

25 August 2018,

"Emma! YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY!!!, I don't know how to even explain it, I can't stop smiling. Man!!!!!! it's so unreal. I-I and..... and...... S-Serena......." I shrugged", Emma is the name of my diary, I never had a person to talk to so I made this up. She is someone I felt if I make-believe, would listen to my rants. She's been with me forever. I always typed my darkest secret on her and She just listened, it somehow always made me happy. But today I even shrugged at her.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply trying to hold down the flood of memories overflowing the dam of my determination to move on. It was early morning, 2 a.m to be exact, Insomnia- my best friend hardly let me have a good time with sleep, so I spent most nights on my favorite reading app. I scrolled through my book library to complete my TBR. It was around 4 a.m that I was hooked up to my favorite book when I received a text from an unknown person.

"Hey, would you like Margot or Sarah as the villain of my book?" It said.

'Sarah' I replied.

" Sarah is it, then".

"Yeah, b....but." I hesitated to reply but sent anyway.

'Yeah? what is it?"

"Umm.....I guess you pinged the wrong person' I chuckled.

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