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Emily is a 9th grader in her school called "Nickle Dopleas High School". She's a very smart student in her school, got A's and B's every semester, and pass every single one of her tests. Her lowest grade was probably a "78" on her math quiz. (She ace her math test with a "90" of course) Her parents were so proud of her and says how lucky they are to have a smart child. But here's the thing...

She brags about it.

Emily always walks around thinking she's better than everyone, and usually talks about how great she is. 

"I'm so much better than everyone in this pippy school." Emily would usually say like everyday.

"NO!" A boy protests, who white with blue eyes. "NO YOU NOT!! Last time when we do a group activity all you did is sit in a corner and paint your nails all day!"

"Freak, you."  Emily responds and walk away with a wave of her reddish brown hair.

Emily has a smooth time in Nickle Dopleas High School, but there's one thing.....she's alone. Lots of people don't like her bragging and saying she's better than everyone else. People who tries to get close to her was always get turn away because they "didn't meet the requirements" to be her friend. This was her life everyday, ever since 4th grade.

Right now it was the evening, the sun is setting, and the moon is coming up with the stars. Emily is in her room on her queen size bed, with Pokemon postures on her pink and green wall. (She's love pink and green) 

She loves Pokemon. She used to buy the latest games and play them all night long. She even got the latest Pokemon guide book, so she knows most of the Pokemons. 

Emily was just about to go to sleep until....


A light have flew through the window and flew in front of her. Emily was beyond speechless and froze on her bed, holding her Pokemon book. 

What is that!?  Emily thought.

"I finally found you!" gasp the light. 

Emily is now freaking out. "Me!? What do you want me for?" 

The light didn't respond, instead it just says "I've been looking for you for a long time Emily..."

What do they mean....?

"Leave me alone!" Emily screeched, "Or I'll scream at the top of my lungs and my parents will get you and arrest you for trying to harm me!"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you." it was the first time the light actually replies to her, "You're the chosen one, the one that'll save the Pokemon World."

"POKEMON WORLD"!!??  Emily couldn't believe her ears! Pokemon isn't real! It's just made up things that sells through markets! 

"You have a great destiny, Emily." the light said. "You'll save all of us..."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Emily asks it. 

Once again, the light ignore her. Then all sudden the light flash even more, soon enough it flashes so bright it made the room totally white. 

What's happening!?  Emily thought, trying to block out the light with her arms. 

And then, all of a sudden, everything went black. 

Pokémon Mystery Dungon: Emily's BeginningWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt