Chapter Four

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They travels through mountains, meadows, and even sleep beneath the stars in a safe area from all the wild Pokemons. 

Until finally.....


Emily's leg were tired from all the walking. She was about to suggest taking a break when Thistle shouts: "We're here!" 

The Chikorita walk ahead of Thistle and look ahead to see a small town, which looks small cause it's still kind of far. 

"Is it over there?" Emily wave her leaf at it. 

"Yup!" Thistle responds cheerfully, "We almost there, could you walk a little farther Emily?"

She nods. I mean, it just a couple more foot-work until I arrive at a actual village.

Thistle took off running, and Emily done the same, running down the hill with him, getting closer, and closer to the Nuzleaf's hometown.


"Here we are!" Thistle announces when they arrived, "This, is Serene Village!" Emily look around, it's seems to be a nice town. All the Pokemon here are not crazy like the ones she met in the dungeon. They all wave at Thistle when he return, but just stare at her....which really annoyed her and make her uncomfortable.

I know I'm new here and all but could they be at least more welcoming!?  Emily thought, infuriated. 

Emily follows Thistle until they stop by at a house, that is suppose to be made out of twigs. 

"This here, is my own house!" Thistle introduces her, "You can stay here until we figure something out." 

"W-W-Wait, seriously!?" Emily thought she would have to find a hotel here or something.

Thistle tilt her head. "Yeah, I mean, do you have any other ideas-"

"No no no!" she interrupts him, "I'm actually grateful!" 

Thistle reveals a smile on his face. "Great! Come on, let's head inside!" Emily nods and follows him in. 

Pokémon Mystery Dungon: Emily's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now