Chapter Three

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Another dungeon.

That's where the stairs led to. Into another dungeon. 

"Uh.....Thistle." Emily mutters.

"Wait, you think those stairs will lead us out of here?" Thistle starts laughing, and Emily never been more confused. 

What is he laughing about!?  Does he expect this to happened??

When Thistle finally stop laughing and look at Emily. "I wish that we can just go up the stairs and get out, but that's not possible. We usually have to go through layers of the dungeon to get out. It's kind of like a tunnel to another town."

Emily flinch, facing more enemy Pokemon, getting wear out all the time, looking for a way out....

"How many layers we need to go through?" Emily asks.

"Who knows." Thistle responds, "But we'll never know for sure! All we could do is move forward!" 

Emily reluctantly agrees. 

After that, Thistle let Emily take the lead through the forest. She guess that it's because he knows how inexperience she is with these things, and hoping that she walk around for awhile, she'll get used to it and learn more things. 

And it works, kind of. Emily still struggles when she fights other Pokemon stronger than her, and she normally stops to either rest or just to get a drink of a nearby stream. 

"Hurry up!" Thistle cries as Emily stop to drink from a stream, "Those Beheeyem might be after us!" 

"Can you be patient?" Emily ask tartly, "I need water to keep my strength."

So far they all need to face all kinds of enemy Pokemons, all want to attack them of course. Emily have been getting used to seeing these enemy Pokemon, and use her powers to defeat them.....with Thistle's help of course. 

Then soon enough they're out of the dungeon.....


"I...I think we lost the Beheeyem in the dungeon.." Thistle pants as he stop in a forest space out of the dungeon.

"You think?" Emily mutters, "I would be lost too if I were them." 

Thistle sighs with exhaustion, and then turn on Emily with unexpected anger. "Why are they following you to begin with!? Did you play some prank on them or something!?" 

Wait, WHAT!?  Emily thought, appalled, HE BLAMES  ME FOR ALL THIS!?  The Chikorita was so taken aback from this sudden outburst that she doesn't speak right away, so he continues. 

Pokémon Mystery Dungon: Emily's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now