Chapter Six

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This Chapter is so painful to write so, sorry if this Chapter is a little shorter than the rest. ;-;

Emily is now walking in the Foreboding Forest, it was dark, and gloomy. Emily preferred when she was in the forest dungeon, with pretty grass, fresh water, and even more better, she had a companion to help her out. 

Now she's on her own in this new dungeon.

"Guppy!" Emily cries out, "Guppy!" She keep calling out to his name, but so far she haven't gotten a response. 

He could be anywhere.  Emily thought gloomily, And he might not be even in this layer. 

Emily still remembers what Thistle told her when she first went into a dungeon, that they're many layers she would have to go through to get out. 

Don't worry Guppy. I'll find you soon. 

Then she bump into a Stunky. The Stunky let out a growl and face her. 

Emily stand her ground, glaring at Stunky. Welp, it's time to put what Thistle taught me to good use! 

Emily knows that Stunky's a Poison Type, so her Grass Type moves would be pointless against it. 

"Ancient Power!" Emily call out, and then rocks come of the ground. Emily aims the rocks at the Pokemon, and it was a accurate hit! 

Yes! Emily thought!

But the Stunky was still standing on it's feet, weak but, still standing. It then uses Poison Sting on her, which is a direct hit!


Emily collapse to the ground, it may be a weak Poison Type move but, it still a critical attack. Emily then got up. She can't let one Pokemon take her down, she haves a job to do! 

"Ancient Power!" 

And then the rocks came up from the surface, and crash down on the Stunky. The Pokemon dodge it, but it then run away.

Emily then lifts up her head, watching the Pokemon go, feeling pride in herself. I did it, I really did it!

As Emily went out and stepped on something. She look to see it. 

It was a blue orb. 

What is this?  Emily thought, I never seen this before, and Thistle never told me what it does. 

Emily pick up the orb and look at it for a bit, then put in inside her bag. It might be much use to me later, and Thistle says to collect as much items as possible. 

Emily continues her search, now looking for the stairs now since she knows that Guppy is nowhere to be seen in this layer. 

I got to hurry though, since Guppy can be in danger right now and.....uh-oh.

She is now staring at two wild Pokemons now, both are a Furfrou. Luckily they are asleep for now but, if she approach them they'll wake up and attack!

Neither of them are Poison or Flying Type, Types that I'm weak against. But the battle from the Stunky wear me out, and there's not a single Oran Berry in sight to recover me!  Emily thought, panicking, Plus, it's two-against-one! They'll tear me into confetti in no time! 

Emily then thought of something. 

The Orb!

Emily quietly reach out to her bag and pull out the Orb. It may look useless but....who says you cannot try? 

"Here it goes..." she mutters. She lifts up the Orb in the air, and then..something happens. 

The Orb glowed yellow, and lighting come out of it! The lighting went towards both of the Furfrou and shock them! The Pokemon cries and froze. 

What happened?? Emily thought as she look at the two Pokemon, who are now frozen to their place. The Orb in her hands now disappear into thin air. 

Well, that's weird. 

Emily look at the frozen Pokemons, now she might as well use this to her advantage. Since the Pokemon cannot attack for who knows how long, she could attack them without them reacting!

"Ravor Leaf!" she call out her attack, since she needs to save her Ancient Power for more Pokemon that'll be weak to this move. She swish her leaf and of course, leaves come out of it! 

Yes! I got this in the bag!

But....she missed. 

Dang it!

But luckily the Pokemon is still frozen. 

One more time! 

And this time it hit Furfrou! Though it taken some damage, the Furfrou isn't paralysis anymore, the one she missed the first time anyways. The unfrozen Furfrou uses Tackle on her, which when it attack Emily she took damage of course. She can barely stand now, panting. 

Come on...I need to finished him off, so I could deal with the other one! Emily thought, and use Razor Leaf one more time on it, and it run away! 

Good, now the other one.


After that battle she was tired and overwhelmed, until she saw a couple of things on the ground ahead. 

A seed, an apple, and.....A ORAN BERRY!!!

Emily race towards the items, pick up the Oran Berry, and eat it. It taste so refreshing! And her battles from the Stunky and the two Furfrous were now healed, she also got her strength again. 

Feels so good! I could just ran in this Foreboding Forest!

She then pick up other things, a apple, which will be good for her belly when hungry, and a seed. 

What will this will do? Emily thought, then she put it in her bag cause she remembers that when the Orb seems useless, it helps her defeated the two Furfrous. 

Emily keep on searching until she sees something that bring her hope...

Stairs!! If I remember correctly it should lead me to the next layer! And according to the Deerling Guppy is not far away!

Emily is fill with determination as she climb up the Stairs.

Don't worry Guppy, I'm coming! 

Pokémon Mystery Dungon: Emily's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now