Chapter Seven

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Emily was walking in the forest, weary and tired from walking, until she heard something. Something...whimpering. 

He doesn't sound dangerous. Emily thought, It sounds....scared.

Emily follow the sounds of whimpering until it gets louder and louder, and then she saw something in the distance. 

Could it be.....?

As Emily come closer she recognize the shape of the Pokemon. It is! It's a Goomy! That must be Guppy!

The little Goomy was shivering. He looked scared and mutters: "Why did I come's so much Pokemon..."

Guppy must've saw Emily cause he yelp and turn to her, his face trying to look fierce and angry, although the fear in his face is pretty clear for her. Obviously he thinks Emily's a threat. 

But to be honest, I'm more scared of leaves blowing in my face than this Goomy. Emily thought, amused. 

"Don't come near me!" Guppy threatens, "Or I'll...I'll....Or you'll be really sorry!" 

Emily takes a step closer to Guppy, and his "war-face" vanish and shrinks to the ground wailing: "Don't hurt me!" 

"Hey, it's okay." Emily tries to sooth the lost Pokemon, "I'm a friend. I've come to take you home the Serene Village."

"R-Really....?" Guppy look up to her, "I don't sound like those mean Pokemons, you also talk more than them too..."

"Yup!" Emily walk closer to Guppy, to give him comfort of her presence, "My names 'Emily'. And you must be 'Guppy', right?"

Guppy nods. "Y-Yeah...I-I.." he stay quiet for a moment, and then started bawl! "WAAAHHHHHHH!!! I WANT TO GO HOME TO MY MOMMY!! I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

"Uh....there there..." Emily mutters nervously, some of memories come when she was baby-sitting a little boy, who usually cried when things do not go in his way. And she does not like it because she usually never know how to stop it. Then she saw something besides him. 

"Is that..." Emily gasps, "Is that the paper Knuckles and Shellboom made you signed?" 

Guppy stop crying, sniffed, and look down at the paper. "Yeah." he whimpers, "Knuckles told me if I find it, and even signed it they'll admit that I'm a big Pokemon!" there was pride in his voice as he told her the last part. But Emily remember the too twats laughing about Guppy being lost. 

I wouldn't hold your breath kid. 

But that doesn't matter, she found Guppy. Her mission is completed.

"Let's get you home Guppy." Emily says.

Pokémon Mystery Dungon: Emily's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now