Nymph !!

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Name: Serenity Ahmadi

Name: Serenity Ahmadi

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Status: Hero

Quirk: Morgen (Transformation and Emitter)

Serenity is a special breed of mermaid, which was passed down through the paternal side of her family. She grew up not being the most talkative person but she does like to make friends. Growing up she made a few friends in school but most of her friends were older than her. She was always mature when she was younger, she was even mistaken to be the oldest out of her friends. Adults loved her, especially her friends parents, they always enjoyed having her around.

Her family was usually reserved and loved to be home in order to be with her. Her personality was addicting to people as she grew older due to her quirk. This made it easier for her to communicate with people even though she didn't always want to.

Quirk Description: Born near the ocean, this girl is no doubt, amazingly powerful. She has heightened senses, enhanced strength, tide manipulation and transformation skills meaning she can easily hold her own against danger. Give her water and her strength amps up. Her quirk seems similar to a siren because her singing can captivate anyone's attention along with her beauty. She can transform into a mermaid when in the water as well but her colors are in shades of brown instead of bright hues. 

Prominent Characteristics: Shy, quiet, musical, honest, reasonable, articulate, clumsy, nervous, and distant.

No one ever really expected her to make and post music but when she was a kid in middle school, that's all she used to do to express herself.

Basic Information:

She was born 1999 on December 3rd, making her a Sagittarius. She is pansexual and a switch, she's not really sure which way she leans. People never felt that she was a creative person but, the music she shares online proves them all wrong. She can play many different instruments and dabble in all kinds of genres. She is 5'6" and always felt that she was short even though she isn't. She grew up in the United States but hopes to one day move out of the country.

 She grew up in the United States but hopes to one day move out of the country

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Likes: Swimming. Compliments, mainly giving them. The beach. Stuffed animals. Clubbing or partying with friends. Playing guitar, piano and recording songs. Writing songs. Recording songs with her friends. Watching the clouds in the water when she's floating. Likes having the ability to control when she goes into her mermaid form.

Dislikes: Dull people. Boring people. Arrogance and ignorance. People who try to silence creativity.

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