Schrodinger !

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Hero Name: Schrodinger

Hero Name: Schrodinger

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Status: Anti-Hero

Quirk: Blood Cheetah (Transformation and Mutant)

Hyungjae grew up a normal boy, gaining his quirk at the average age. He was able to master his cheetah abilities with ease as he grew up. His friends thought that he was cool, his parents thought he was adorable. He was the protector of the neighborhood, heck even the town. Everyone knew about him, both the good people and the bad. While he was in his teen years, he had grown to love someone genuinely and that love soon turned bittersweet. His lover had a quirk that involved turning someone into a vampire and this quirk traveled through Hyungjae even when he turned into his cheetah form.

His friends and family were worried about him but they noticed that he was okay despite the drastic change. He continued living on like normal minus having to devour the occasional human or animal in order to keep his hunger going. Soon he learned ways to keep from killing things he feeds off of, meaning he had mastered his original quirk and the one he was forced to take.

Quirk Description: This man has the ability to transform into a Cheetah. This gives him amazing strength, speed and agility. His sense of smell and sight tend to increase when in full or half cheetah form. His eyes change into a blood red color and his nose can catch the smell of blood anywhere in his perimeter. When in half cheetah form, he has the ears, tail and claws of a cheetah. He does tend to feed off of people sometimes, the blood part of his quirk acts similar to a vampire drinking blood and hunting for food.

Prominent Characteristics: Well rounded. Sociable. Inclusive. Delicate. Engaging. Attentive. Flamboyant. Short minded. Deceiving.

Basic Information:

He was born November 23rd, making him a Sagittarius, and he is also 23 years old, meaning he was born in 1997. He is 6'1". He is bisexual with a female lean, a switch and open to poly (with consent from his partner). People say that he looks like a little adorable animal when in his human form but once they see him shift, they usually take back their words. People don't underestimate him a lot but they do tend to comment things about him, they always forget that he has a keen sense of hearing.

 People don't underestimate him a lot but they do tend to comment things about him, they always forget that he has a keen sense of hearing

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Likes: Playing basketball and volleyball. Modeling. Morning coffee. Sleeping. Pet names. Making other people happy. Drawing. Singing, mainly as a joke. Dancing. Photography. Socializing.

Dislikes: Strangers staring at him. Negative people. People who can't be serious at the right time. Drinking blood.

Rp 1: Sirrep - Anye

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