Part 19

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Dorian's POV

I stare after Manon in shock, watching her quickly fading silhouette disappear over the horizon. There's blood from her nails on my shirt, enough that it looks like I was injured, though I'm not, but I can do nothing but stare after her fading form.

"Your Highness?" One of the guards approaches me from behind, and I spin around. He notices the blood on my shirt. "Your Highness, are you injured?"

"No, I'm fine," I reply, straightening my shirt. "Return to your posts now."  I almost say please on the end, but have to catch myself. I am King now, and everyone keeps telling me manners make me weaker. I 'm not sure I believe them.

The guard bows and they all disperse back to their posts. I start walking back to the castle to change my shirt and sort out the mess in my brain, still in shock. People stare as I walk past, but none approach.

I am going to be a father.

That is, if Manon lets me anywhere near the child when it's born. I'm guessing not, given her reaction to even getting pregnant.

I am still slowly walking towards the palace when Chaol sprints out towards me. It still makes me so glad that he can do that. He skids to a halt in front of me. "Dorian," he says, panting for breath. "I heard a Manon was —" He notices my bloodied shirt and shocked face. "Gods, Dorian, did she hurt you? Are you alright?"

"Manon didn't hurt me," I say, barely able to from the words through my shock.

"Then what's going on?"

"Chaol, I -" I stutter, unable to put my feelings into words. "I - Manon's pregnant. I'm going to be... a father."

"That's amazing! Congratulations, Dorian!" Chaol peers around me as though looking for Manon, expecting her to be there. When she's not, he peers back at my face. He grows s. "What's the matter? Isn't that good news?"

"Manon also wants to rip out my heart." The full force of what's just happened slaps me in the face, and I stagger forward in shock. "Oh my gods, Chaol, what have I done?"

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