Fugitive DoctorXRiver

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River wonders down a street in East London when she spots the Tardis, she get's super excited, feeling low before hand and exhausted mentally and physically she was glad to see the old girl.

Even more glad to see what version of her husband or Wife she will see now. She speed walks to the Tardis, not thinking not caring she walks in.

The Tardis was completely different from her future Husbands and Her wife. It was more like a pat version of her Husband? So She presumed this was a very early version, she grins wondering what one they always get so flustered around her much like them all, but since they look older you'd think they'd act older but, oh no they don't.

She sways up to the Console.

"And who might you be?" Ruth Doctor comes from a hallway, taken of her glasses she studies the woman in-front of her. Also admiring.

"Ahh, you must be a companion?" River was a little jealous inside this woman was gorgeous and give of so much energy.

"A companion? I beg your pardon this is my ship." Ruth replies continuing to study the woman in front of her.

"Doctor? You can't be? You can't? Can you?" River was rather confused. She looks round the ship. It's definitely the Tardis she can feel her within her.

"You sound like the other me. She didn't believe me either. Such dress codes. I wonder why I can't remember being her or rather she didn't remember being me." Ruth states shaking her head. "A problem for another day. Now who are you? You're not me either are you?" She jokes and looks her up and down.

"Absolutely not." River grins at The Doctor.

"Then who are you?" Ruth wanders tapping her console

"Yep you're the Doctor" River ignores her question, given her the eyes, she can see this made her a little agitated and confused and a little flustered like them all, she loved how each incarnation even with other personalities still she can make them feel the same. This was definitely her Doctor.

"I hope I can see you in action in this body, in more ways than one." She purrs and Winks at her Wife.

"Excuse me?" Ruth swallows, she was a little shock. "Who are you?"

"Well, that could be Spoilers." She smirks.

"Spoilers?" She thinks and repeats "Spoilers? Why's that familiar" she taps her head.

River just stands there smirking.
The Doctor flinches as some memories are imbedded into her mind some from her past and some future of River. The Tardis sent some physic memories to her.

"River? How could I forget." She says smirking back at River.

River was unsure of what memories, of what Doctor she was. As in was she before 13th before 9th or after 13th? Or before even the 3rd. But she knew she definitely knew her and this made her happy she could not bare her Wife not knowing her right now. Not after everything that just happened prior to her being here.

DoctorXRiverWhere stories live. Discover now