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"Common Riverrrh? What's the worst that could happen?" The Doctor pouts.

"Sweetie. You and I both know nothing ever ends well with that sentence." River chuckles lightly.

"Awk. Common. Please. Just Once." She sticks her bottom lip out.

"No." River smiles.

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese" she pleaded.

"Oh, go on then. Since you begged" River smirks.

A few moments after, River and 13th were on the 'Death Ray' Rollercoaster.

River shook her head knowing how this will end.

The Doctor was happy, she took Rivers hand in hers and kissed the back of it before the ride begin.

By the end of the ride, the Doctor was spinning. She had screamed the whole entire ride, not out of adrenaline or fun Of the ride. But out of fear, she had been yelling also "RIVER? WHY DID YOU LET ME DO THIS I AM GOING TO REGENERATE BY THE END OF THIS RIDE." And that was followed by another scream.

River just laughed at her wife, every-time this happens. Every-time.

When 13th got up from the Ride, she held onto River as she wobbled. She suddenly dashed off to the nearest bin and threw up.

"I told you. Those words. Nothing ever ends well." River shook her head.

"Common Sweetie." She wrapped her arm around the Doctors waist as she leads her back to the Tardis. She takes her to bed so she can lay down and her head would stop spinning.

13th had curled up into a little ball "Never again." She spits clenching her stomach.

"Mhm. Hmm." River thinks to herself. 'Till the next time' she chuckles getting into bed beside the Doctor.

She becomes the big spoon, and 13th was the little spoon. She smiles warmly as they both fall asleep.

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