11thXRiver&The Ponds!

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"RORY?" Amy yells from her kitchen "CAN YOU GET THE DOOR?" She then continues to fold her washing.

Rory yells back "GOT IT" when he opens the door he is greeted with his Daughter and The Doctor.

"Ahhh Rory the Roman" The Doctor slaps his shoulder.

"Every single time Doctor do you have to?" Rory groans.

"Yup" The Doctor grins.

"Hello Father" River greets given her Dad a hug. "How are you? And where is Mother?" She wonders.

"She's in the kitchen folding washing. And I'm good. Amy is doing good too. Other than being annoyed that two specific people that have not came to see us in months." He glares at River and The Doctor.

"Sorry Dad! Planets to save people to torment and things to take" she smirks.

"River!!" The Doctor gives her a look "We we're saving planets but not tormenting anybody or taken anything."

"You might not have been Doctor" she purrs into his ear.

"Right!!" Rory covers his ears "Nope." He says shaking his head.

And that's when Amy comes through "That's my girl" she laughs as she heard all as she made her way to them. She embraces her daughter into a hug before hugging her raggedy friend.

She pulls out of the hug with the Doctor she slaps his arm hard he pouts. "About time you show up." She grins and hugs him again.

"Well I might not show up ever again if that's the welcoming I get." He jokes

"Oh hush sweetie." River chuckles.

"Don't think you're let off the hook young lady." Amy turns to her daughter. They both share a look then giggle before going inside.

The Doctors eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning for a child as he runs to the coffee table picking up a plate of biscuits. "Jammie dodgers just what the Doctor ordered." He grins shoving one into his mouth.

As he eats he turns some biscuits crumbs fall out his mouth "Thank you Ponds." He smiles.

"Your gonna be cleaning that up." Amy scrunches her eyes.

"So how have you both been?" Amy then asks.

Soon enough they all catch up on how they are doing the Doctor of course rambled about a old submarine that they were on that was used as a underground restaurant in the future owned by some water people. Who made it possible for everyone to breath no matter the species. And how they saved them from the place sinking and killing everyone.
However They never stayed for food. They were simply there to help.

It was soon getting late and the Doctor and River were about to get ready to leave.

"What do you say Ponds?" The Doctor turns grinning "Dinner on me?" He smiles widely.

"Oh absolutely." Amy grins grabbing her jacket.

"As long as it's not like last time? When you took us to the year '3240' for normal burgers and it ended up being infected alien meat from whatever that planet was called? That stuff was ABSOLUTELY RANK!! It smelled so bad" Rory complains.

"Oh, no nothing like that." He turns to the hall walking over to the door.

"Where are we going then?" Amy wonders as she follows.

"Spoilers" River says as she grins.

They both knew Amy and Rory would join them so they have a surprise dinner on a very wealthy planet with a restaurant that is one of Amy and Rory's favourite places to eat at.

"Splendid we could end up the dinner again." Rory complains. Okay reason for it they went to a restaurant once and they decided he was the best human to try and 'cook' onto Human soup. He was disgusted at it. The thought makes him shiver.

"Oh hush Father." River chuckles as they enter the Tardis.

And soon enough they were off to their destination.

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