12thXRiver and Bill.

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"Common Gramps. You seriously can't be telling me that we are stuck in here?" Bill crosses her arms frustratedly.

"Technically yes and no but yes we are stuck here for now." The Doctor replies with no tone set to his voice.

Bill "You have classes soon remember? And I have chips to serve so we meet get out soon and stop being so cryptic" she laughs

"Time machine remember" The Doctor chuckles back "We just have to wait"

"Well if you haven't noticed the Tardis is gone? And we are stuck in your office." Bill rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault." He groans.

"Well old man... it really is she is your wife" Bill laughs.

"Yes. But I didn't expect her to take my Tardis again... and I forgot the door was locked"

"Again?" Bill was confused

"Complicated." The Doctor sits down at his desk.

"It's rather rude to talk about someone behind their backs." Comes a voice near the back of the room.

"River?" The Doctor keeps his legs up on his desk arms crossed "Where is the Tardis?"

"Ahhh... about that. I need your help retrieving her." She laughs stepping towards the Doctors desk.

"What did you do?" He jumps up.

"Minor incident including me wanting too go else where but Sexy had other plans. Took me to a Dalek Fleet. So what do you say Hussssssband shall we go rescue your beloved ship?" She laughs knowing this would annoy him.

"RIVER!!" His eyebrows raise and he looks very cross.

River just chuckles at him, she slowly sways towards him her fingers trail up his suit jacket. "Yes?" She says flirtatiously.

"Really? I'd like to be not sick before serving the chips" Bill says jokingly she loved actually seeing River flirt with the Doctor it made him all weird and makes him act a bit more weirder but she can see the love that he has for his wife. She can see the pure love they both have for one another and she just can't help but adore it and she can't wait to find the girl of her dreams that will love her the way these two love one another. The way the Doctor and River look at one another warms her heart.

"Gorgeous woman should not be serving chips too students in a university." River smirks over at Bill.

"River..." The Doctor whispers jealously in an annoyed tone. This got River smirking up at him.

"Mhm sweetie? You know your the only one for me." She chuckles.

"Now" she pats his chest. "Tardis?" He nods and they vortex manipulate away.

Bill yells stomping her feet "WHAT ABOUT ME?!?" She groans going over sitting down on the Doctors seat putting her feet up she closes her eyes crossing her arms and sighs.

"I'm going to be here a while then..."

DoctorXRiverWhere stories live. Discover now