Chapter Seven

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As soon as Hajime opened the door, a white haired boy came flying in, an exasperated girl behind him.
Fuyuhiko remembered their names and personalities that Hajime had informed him of quickly.

Nagito, his hair seemed like a cloud, and he looked so energetic and up beat.
Chiaki, she seemed tired, but she had kind and knowing eyes. A galaga pin was in her hair, Fuyuhiko was quick to remember Hajimes bracelet with the same charm. He looked to Nagito, who had the exact same bracelet but with different colors.

"Hi Hajime! And-" Nagito Gasped when he saw Fuyuhiko, and grinned widely.
"This must be your roommate! Hi! I'm Nagito Komaeda!" The excitable friend said. His voice was deeper than Fuyuhiko expected.
Chiaki smiled apologetically.
"And I'm Chiaki. Chiaki Nanami. Sorry for barging in.." the other said, she sounded like she looked, kind, and wise.

"Uh... hey.... I'm... Fuyuhiko.. Nice to meet you both." The blonde said, Fuyuhiko was nervous, but he spoke none the less.
"Nice to meet you Fuyuhiko! I'm sure you're a wonderful roommate! Aaaah! We should get to know eachother—"
Chiaki grabbed Nagitos arm tightly.
"What he means to say is- Its nice to meet you, and are happy Hajime seemed to get such a good roommate."

Fuyuhiko blushed heavily.
"I'm- uh... I'll be right back. I'm gonna... go to my room real quick." The blonde muttered, awkward from all the attention, and rushed back to his room, quietly shutting the door behind him.
"Fuyu-.." Hajime got only the beginning of his name out before giving up, and looking to his other two friends.

"So.. how've you two been?" Hajime asked, tiredly. Nagitos eyes lit up.
"Well I just got my new dorm mate! He is so kind- so full of the most wonderful hope! Makoto is very very amazing." Nagito gushed.
Hajime laughed. Of course Nagito would get this excited about his dorm mate.
The brunette stopped his excitable friend before he went on for hours and looked to Chiaki.
"Hows your dorm mate?"
Chiaki differed from Nagito, as she only gave a small kind smile, that was still somehow full of so much expression.
"Her name is Ibuki. Shes very sweet and energetic. She has quite the music taste too." Hajime hummed and smiled.
"Thats nice. You both met Fuyuhiko. He's really sweet- apparently he likes baking too. Not the most social though."

Nagito frowned, and then jumped up, grinning.
"Oh no-"
"Well we can help him socialize more! Here! Lets go get him!"
"N-nagito!" Both chiaki and Hajime said, but it was too late, nagito bursted into Fuyuhikos room.

A crash was heard.
Hajime and Chiaki made frantic eye contact, and rushed to the room.

Fuyuhiko had wide eyes, and breathed shakily. Nagitos eyes were wide, and he was sporting a nervous smile.
There seemed to be a small dent in the wall to the right of Nagitos head, and there were household scissors out of place lying on the floor.
"Woah. Uh- h-hey you two." Hajime sputtered.
"U-uh. Hey. Shit- I'm uh... sorry." Fuyuhiko sputtered out, inching away from everyone else.

"Its alright, haha- I probably shouldn't have barged in like that!" Nagito said, his face going back to calm.
Fuyuhiko furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hm.. what exactly happened?" Chiaki asked, quirking her head to the side.
"Ah! Well- I guess I startled him at the wrong time. As soon as I barged in he uh.."
"I instinctively threw scissors that I was about to put away at him..." the blonde finished, flushing, before walking over and picking up his scissors.

"Instinctively?" The brunette murmured in response, watching Fuyuhiko pause, before walking over and placing the scissors on the small desk.
"Uh... yeah. I think I'm gonna go on a walk. Hajime- you and your friends should talk some more." Fuyuhiko said, fumbling to put his phone and earbuds in his hoodie pocket.
"O-oh. Well, I hope you have a good time on your walk Fuyuhiko."
The blonde paused for a moment, glancing back at Hajime, before his lips quirked up, just for a moment.
"I'll try. Share those fried dough cookies with your friends. Bye you three." He sounded less startled as he gave a two-fingered salute and walked out of his room, and out of the front door.

Hajime watched his dorm mate walk out with a fondness, but once the door was closed, he sent a pointed glare Nagitos way.
"Ahaha.... my bad." Nagito said, skittering out of Fuyuhikos room and shutting the door behind him.
Their brunette friend simply sighed, and shrugged.
"Its alright. I haven't heard him yell like that.. it was.. surprising. He made some fried dough cookies earlier for me. Want some?"
Chiaki hummed, and nodded, but while they were walking over to eat the still warm treats, she grabbed Hajimes upper arm.

"You.. noticed too?"
"Huh? What do you mean Chiaki?"
"He said he threw the Scissors by instinct."
Hajime paused, and looked to the side.
"Yeah. I mean, he was startled. Everyone has different reactions to fear."
"Mmm..." Chiaki loosened her grip on his arm.
"Fuyuhiko is nice. Very kind. Its just... something I think you should keep in mind Hajime. Everyone has different lives." She muttered the last sentence quietly, and under her breath.
"Anyways. Lets eat the dessert he made. I'm sure its great. C'mon Hajime."
The taller brunette paused before following her.

Chiaki was extremely intuitive, huh?
What did she mean by that though?
"Wow! These are so good Hajime! Fuyuhiko made these?!" His white haired friends esthetic voice broke him out of his trance.
"Yep! He's really good at it. Said his childhood friend taught him."
"Ahh! Friendship is wonderful."
Hajime snickered.
"Yeah bud."
Chiaki took a bite silently, before lighting up and quietly reaching for another.
His friends grinning over the food made It was nice, and Hajime forget about his stress, if only for a moment...

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