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Lexa was feeling cautiously optimistic. While there was clear tension and hatred between the forces she had gathered together, a massive scouting expedition had been launched that would map out a quarter of the mountain in the span of a day. She did fear what would happen if there was acid fog but otherwise it had great potential. Examining the map, she plotted out routes for bringing in food from outer territories to sustain the massive army she had assembled. She didn't look up when she heard Gustus enter her tent.

"Heda!" His voice was clearly distressed.

Looking up in concern she saw the tension in him. "Speak Gustus, what has happened?"

"The Azgeda camp, it's swarming, their warriors are armed. They must intend to attack. We must prepare ourselves."

Lexa straightened trying to understand what was happening. The Azgeda forces would not be moving like this without an order from their general. And while Klark was clearly hostile she had not seemed foolish. If her measure of the general was correct, then something must have happened with one of the scouts to trigger this and the fact she hadn't received a message about maunon activity meant that it must be an internal issue. She tapped her finger against the hilt of her dagger. Azgeda was famous for their assassins, if the problem hadn't just been taken care of then the general was planning something. Still, it didn't make sense and that frustrated her. Azgeda couldn't mean to attack in this blatant of a manner when surrounded on three sides by a larger force. So, the increased activity wasn't likely an attack. It could be because the general expected one of her other factions to attack, but in that case she should have been informed of what was happening.

"Heda! Please give the order." Gustus interrupted her thinking.

Lexa swore internally, she didn't have time to find out what was happening. "Blow the horns, bring the scouts back." She looked at the map where all of her warriors' camps were located. "Discreetly take measure of the Ouskejon Kru and the Ingranrona camps." The Plains and Blue Cliff had always been close with the Ice Nation, if this was indeed an attack those camps would be buzzing as well.

"We need to be prepared to fend off an attack." Gustus protested when he realized she hadn't given any orders considering their camp.

She spread her hand against the map, staring at it, trying to understand what was going on. "Switch out our guards with our most experienced warriors, double the guards on our food stores, paddock, and the healing tent. Do not increase our guards along the edge of camp."

"But Heda!"

"No. I will not make the first move that could destroy this coalition and you will not do it for me. Do you understand." She stared him down, daring him to disagree with her further.

Finally, Gustus looked down, "Sha, Heda." He turned and left to see to her orders.

She breathed out in relief he hadn't pushed her further. Walking out of the tent she headed for where she knew the scouts would be returning, she needed information and she needed it now.


"This is insane Clarke!" Octavia was pacing back and forth in the general's tent. She was filled with too many conflicting emotions and didn't know what to do.

"What would you have me do then." Clarke sighed from where she was seated next to Atom's body.

"Just order Burka or Niles to take care of the fuckers who killed Atom. To hell with the commander, just take justice. Nia at least would have already dealt with this." Octavia ignored the clearly fearful Trikru warrior standing in the corner.

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