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"Fuck!" Raven shouted, chucking her latest attempt at a radio amplifier into the ground where the pieces scattered across the floor of her tent.

Monty burst into the tent looking around for a threat. His eyes wide and bloodshot from the lack of sleep, his face sporting a couple days' growth of facial hair.

"I'm fine." Raven bit out at his worried expression. She ran a hand through her hair in frustration.

Monty sat down next to her and watched her. "You don't need to be here right now. We can fix the radio later."

Raven shook her head, she needed to be useful. "No I can fix this." She picked up a piece of an earlier attempt at an amplifier.

Warm hands clasped over the top of hers, stopping her from working on it. "Raven, this isn't going to bring him back."

"Then what good are we!" She burst out, yanking one hand to her face she angrily rubbed at where she could feel tears starting.

"The others need us right now."

"I just thought…." She held in a sob with sheer willpower trying to focus on the crappy junk she was trying to make a better radio with.

Monty leaned his forehead against her shoulder, she could feel him shaking slightly. "I know."

They sat in silence together for a while. Finally, Raven shook herself back to as close to normal as possible. "Come on, we can work on the radio in Clarke's tent." She started shoving random tools and items into one of her bags of odds and ends.

"Hand me one of those bags, I'll help carry them." Monty held his hand out for a bag.

"Yes mom," Raven sniffed before tossing a bag into Monty's arms, he grunted when it hit.


The two walked silently towards the command tent. Raven ducked in and saw a dark skinned Trikru warrior bent over Atom's body. She didn't even register the stiff form of Clarke to one side watching the proceedings vigilantly. She didn't notice the tension in the room. She just lunged.

"Get off him!" She shouted while charging.

Her forward momentum was halted suddenly by two large arms wrapping around her and hauling her back forcefully. She kicked out trying to break free. She only calmed when she realized who it was who had her in his arms.

"Are you done?"

She frowned. "Yes." She bit out, glaring darkly at the Trikru who was examining Atom's body.

She felt Gunter drop her back onto her feet. Stupid stoic fucker, interfering where he had no business, like always.


Three years and nine months ago:

Gunter looked at the girl trying to pull herself off of the ground that he had been informed was his new second. She was a mess, full of rage, clearly no combat training, and injuries that would hamper her till they healed. But, the girl got back up no matter how many times he knocked her down. Finally, she managed to bring herself to her feet. She was swaying but staring him down.

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