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Silas sat straight and alert in his saddle. He didn't like being anything less than his best. He'd trained his entire life for perfection and he didn't feel comfortable being sloppy. His comrades could jest all they pleased, but being clean shaven, hair neat, clothing straight, and armor clean, made him feel at peace. It was a source of pride to always be his best. He knew he wasn't as skilled as Octavia, or Laslow, or some of the truly fearsome warriors in the army, but he was dependable and Klark trusted him and that was all that mattered. He'd been rewarded for his loyalty by being allowed to take his sister by blood as his second. She had more talent than him and training her would probably be his greatest contribution to Azgeda.

Being trusted to protect Charlotte was an honor. He knew why he'd been chosen. It wasn't because he was intimidating like Benny or a threat like Niles. He had been chosen because he was dependable, and Klark knew his loyalty was to her and not Nia. He'd sacrificed everything to become a warrior because his best friend as a child had been taken by a passing company. He'd needed to find his friend again, and he had. Corrin was the reason for everything, and Corrin had been second to Xander, and Xander was loyal to Klark. So, by default, he was loyal to her.

He watched as Charlotte engaged in a game of catch with a dagger. The boy she was casually tossing the blade back and forth with was clearly pleased with the game. He had no doubt that the black eye the second was sporting was from Charlotte. He was riding with them among the party going out to evaluate the blockade line and how all the camps were doing. The blockade had been getting reckless. Armies were meant for action and the tension of the constant threat of attack, combined with boredom, could be deadly. While the commander was riding across the entire blockade to inspect it, more like iron out any tensions before they could explode, Klark would be forcing her men to engage in added training to keep them busy.

Hearing the jingle of metal, he turned to where a Trikru warrior had increased their horse's speed to come abreast to him. He clenched his fists around the pommel of his saddle. "Anya," he acknowledged.

Her face was blank but he knew she wasn't in the position of power here. They may be in a company of Trikru traveling through the Floukru section of the blockade but he was here as both a threat and a gesture of goodwill. It didn't surprise him that she said nothing merely acknowledging his presence with a look. Wondering about her motivations was not his job, so he ignored her.

He was surprised when he barely caught the dagger being thrown just past her ear. Glaring at Charlotte, he spoke. "You should be more careful."

She laughed, "And you should pay attention to your surroundings." The boy Aden was smirking from beside her.

"You could have harmed someone." He rebuked.

"Please, it would have hit that tree, it wouldn't have even nicked your ear." She protested with a smile.

"It's careless," he said more out of habit than any real rebuke.

"Oh you're going soft. I was expecting you to be way stiffer from what the others told me about you." Charlotte replied.

He raised his eyebrows in disbelief at the girl.

"What? It's true." She replied.

Groaning in defeat, he chucked the knife back at her and she easily snagged it out of the air. "You really should find a way to train your knife abilities that doesn't involve the risk of accidental murder."

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