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"He's seizing!" Lisa yelped as she jumped out of the way so Klark could get to the reaper. As the newest of the apprentices, she didn't dare try and start chest compressions. She didn't even know if she had enough strength or weight to do them properly. She was only thirteen and still on the small side for her age. Relief hit her as Klark was at the reaper's side instantly turning him on his side so he didn't choke.

"Get the defibrillator over here, now!" Klark ordered while slicing open the reaper's shirt with a knife.

Lisa turned and grabbed the large box on one side. Looking up, she met Forrest's eyes as he grabbed the other side. Together they managed to haul the thing over to where the reaper's jerking was tapering off. She watched carefully as Klark's fingers went to the side of the man's neck to feel for a pulse.

"Fuck," Klark was grabbing the two paddles from the machine. "Roll him onto his back!" She ordered.

Lisa dropped down and pulled his shoulder over letting him flop back onto his back. She backed up quickly, Klark had drilled them in how dangerous this new healing tool could be to use.

"Clear!" Klark barked while placing the paddles one above his heart and one on his side. The man's body arched upwards. Klark's fingers were quickly pressing checking for a pulse. "Clear!" She yelled while pressing the paddles back. His back arched again and Klark's fingers returned to his neck.

Lisa watched as the general's shoulders slumped in relief. The general leaned back from the man who was now taking rattling breaths. "Lisa good catch."

Lisa sighed as she slumped on her cot in the medical tent. They'd been taking turns watching the man and were all exhausted. This was the third time he'd had to be revived and it was wearing on all of them. The quiet wait followed by the adrenaline rush. She felt the cot dip as Klark and Forrest sat down on either side of her.

"Do you think he'll make it?" She asked looking up at Klark who was still in sleeping clothes, her hair pulled up into messy bun.

"Maybe, he's stayed alive the longest. We need to get water into him soon though." She sighed.

"Think he won't choke if we try and get some water down him now?" Forrest asked.

Klark wrapped her arm around both of their shoulders. "We can try again in a minute." She said.

Lisa hoped that he survived. He was the sixth reaper they'd tried to save and watching them die was difficult. It was nothing as bad as the eastern border conflict though. Those had been awful days full of blood and dying. The regular soldiers may not like the blockade but it relieved her to be around the relative peace. She leaned her head against Klark and closed her eyes. She would be needing to work more soon enough.


Two years ago:

"General." Clarke said while standing at attention.

"Ah, good. I assume your last hunt was successful?" Dozla said gruffly from his seat in the tavern.

"Three pauna sharing a cave. No significant injuries or deaths." She reported watching the man carefully. He wasn't a terrible person really, just a drunk. He wasn't overly cruel which made him better than some general's she could be serving.

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